This repository contains various python files related to recursion, sorting and file handeling.
1.Calculator using if-else:- This program uses if else to do simple calculations in python
2.Student information using admission number:- This programs is used to find the details of a particular student using their admisssion number here we are just basically using dictionaries here.
3.Bubble sort:- as the name suggests we are just doing bubble sort but with the help of recursion
4.Insertion sort:- In this program we are doing insertion sort with the help of recursion.
5.Binary Search
6.Basic Calculator using function:- Again this is just a calculator but this has been made using functions.
7.Factorial by recursion:- In this program we are basically finding factoriasl of a number using recursion.
8.Sum of n natural numbers using recursion:- Here in this program we are finding sum of n natural numbers using recursion.
9.Fibonacci series using recursion:- In this program we are finding a fibonacci series using recursion.
10.To copy content of one file to another store and display multiple integers
12.To insert a record in student file
10,11,12 are programs related to file handeling.