To know more about the API documentation, standard, usage and samples, refer to each README located inside of each of our API resource folders. The current state of the API is NOT production-ready until stated the otherwise.
- me GET (returns adminSessionId)
- cashier-status GET (returns the count for active and inactive cashiers)
- items-and-categories GET (returns the count for items and categories)
- todays-revenue GET (returns today's revenue in VES, USD, and EUR)
- items GET (returns a list of items in stock)
- reports GET (returns a list of reports)
- cashiers GET (returns a list of cashiers)
- sales GET (returns a list of sales)
- clients GET (returns a list of clients)
- client-validation POST (validates a client's data)
- client-update POST (updates a client)
- client-delete POST (deletes a specific client)
- new-cashier-validation POST (validates cashier insertion data)
- new-cashier-insertion POST (inserts a new cashier)
- cashier-delete POST (deletes a specific cashier)
- item-validation POST (validates item insertion, or update data)
- new-item-insertion POST (inserts a new item)
- item-update POST (updates an item's data)
- notification-insertion POST (inserts a new notification)
- notifications GET (gets all notifications)
- entry-validation POST (validates entry data)
- entry-insertion POST (inserts a new entry)
- entries GET (gets all entries)
- TBD: Reports generation
- me GET (returns cashierSessionId)
- items GET (returns a list of items in stock)
- client-verification POST (validates whether is already registered or not)
- client validation POST (validates a new client insertion data)
- client-insertion POST (inserts a new client)
- new-sale POST (registers a new sale)
- add-article POST (adds articles to a sale)
- remove-article POST (removes articles from a sale)
- cancel-sale POST (cancels a sale)
- commit-sale
- login POST
- signup-access POST (validates signup code)
- signup-validation POST (validates signup insertion data)
- signup-insertion POST (inserts validated signup data)
- [?] logout POST (logs out the current user, updates cashier session if the user is a cashier)