Cividex bot is an automated twitter bot which posts daily facts about civil rights on twitter. These facts fall under one of four categories.
- Civil
- Slavery
- Voting
- Citizenship
We are looking for more facts! Especially if you live outside of the United States!
If you would like to contribute facts please head to our front end application there you will find a form that will allow you to contribute to our database. An admin will review all submissions on a weekly basis and approve or deny your submission.
Please note that not all facts need to be a positive one. They just have to be related to any of the core areas outlined above
If you see something that you would like to contribute code wise, feel free to fork the repo and make a pull request.
Please note that this bot will NEVER do the following.
- Reply to Tweets
- Scrape information
- Direct Message Anyone
- Follow Anyone
This bot WILL...
- Post tweets
Tweepy Docs - A compact and well documented library for accessing the Twitter API using python.
- We fall under the Do!: Build solutions that automatically broadcast helpful information in tweets.