By Tian Zheng^; Guoqing Zhang^; Lei Han^; Lan Xu; Lu Fang* (^ equal contribution, * corresponding author). [Paper]
This is the official code repository for BuildingFusion, a semantic-aware structural building-scale reconstruction system, which allows collaborative building-scale dense reconstruction, with online semantic and structural understanding. It is able to handle large scale scenes (~1000m^2).
This is a project from LuVision SIGMA, Tsinghua University. Visit our website for more interesting works:
This project is released under the GPLv3 license. We only allow free use for academic use. For commercial use, please contact us to negotiate a different license by: fanglu at
If you find our code useful, please kindly cite our paper:
author={Zheng, Tian and Zhang, Guoqing and Han, Lei and Xu, Lan and Fang, Lu},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
title={Building Fusion: Semantic-aware Structural Building-scale 3D Reconstruction},
- Install docker and nvidia runtime following here. A CUDA capable GPU is required.
- Download the test data from
- Modify the correct paths to the data in
- Start with
After a server is running with:
rosrun collaborative_fusion collaborative_fusion_server
We can launch multiple agent with:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<server ip>:<server port>
rosrun collaborative_fusion collaborative_fusion_client <dataset path (optional, no need for online scanning)>
We support data streams from Xtion RGBD cameras or offline sequences.
The format of offline dataset follows TUM RGBD Dataset:
- Dataset
- sequence 1
- rgb
- depth
- associate.txt
- sequence 2
- rgb
- depth
- associate.txt
The calibration information is in calib.txt
, which should be changed according to the dataset. calib
provides some calibration parameters used in our experiments.
Runtime parameters are in setting.yaml