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Algorithm Characteristics

Algorithm Complexity

  • Space Complexity: How much memory does the alogirthm require?
  • Time Complexity: How mych time does it take to complete?

Inputs and output

  • What does the alogrithm accept, and what are the results?


  • Serial / parallel
  • Exact / approximate
  • Deterministic / non-deterministic

Common Algorithms

Search algorithms

  • Find specific data in a structure ( for example, a substring within a string)

Sorting algorithms

  • Take a dataset and apply a sort order to it

Computational alogrithms

  • Given one set of data, derive another from it ( is a given number a prime?)

Collection algorithms

  • Manipulating or navigating set of data that are stored within a particular structure (count specific items, navigate among data elements, filter out unwanted data, etc.)


Euclid's Algorithm

Find the greatest common denomiator (GCD) of two integers.

Example: GCD of 20 and 8 is 4 (because 8 / 4 is 2; and 20 / 4 is 5)

  1. For two integers a and b, where a > b, divide a by b.
  2. If the remainder, r, is 0, then stop: GCD is b.
  3. Otherwise, set a to b, b ro r, and repeat at step 1 until r is 0.

Understanding Algorithm Performance

  • Measure how an algortithm responds to dataset size
  • Big-O notation
    • Classifies performance as the input size grows
    • "O" indicates the order of operation: time scale to perform an operation
    • Many alogorithms and data structures have more than one O (Inserting data, searching for data, deleting data, etc.)

Common Big-O Terms

Notation Description Example
O(1) Constant time Looking up a single element in an array
O(log n) Logarithmic Finding an item in a sorted array with a binary search
O(n) Linear time Searching an unsorted array for a specific value
O(n log n) Log-linear Complex sorting alogorithms like heap sort and merge sort
O(n2) Quadratic Simple sorting algorithms, such as bubble sort, selection sort, and insertion sort

Common Data Structures

  • Arrays
  • Linked Lists
  • Stacks and queues
  • Trees
  • Hash tables

Array Operations

  • Calculate itms index: O(1)
  • Insert or delete item at beginning: O(n)
  • Insert or delete item in middle :O(n)
  • Insert or delete item at end: O(1)

Sorting Data

  • Bubble Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick sort

The Bubble Sort

  • One of the most basic sorting alogorithms
  • Very simple to understand and implement
  • Performance: O(n2)
  • Other sorting alogorithms are generally much better
  • Not considered to be a pratical solution

The Merge Sort

  • Divide-and-congquer algorithm
  • Breaks a dataset into individual pieces and merges them
  • Uses recursion to operate on datasets
  • Performs well on large set of data
  • In general has a performance of O(n log n) time complexity

The Quicksort

  • Divide-and-conquer algorithm, like the merge sort
  • Also uses recursion to perfomr sorting
  • Generally performs better than merge sort, O(n log n)
  • Operates in place on the data
  • Worst case is O(n2) when data is mostly sorted already


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