An simple version of the Flickr website using the Flickr API.
click here - (Ctrl + Click || Cmd + Click) Refreshing page would not work here as they are just static files (without served from a server) and because of frontend routing, it wont be able to resolve files and you would get a 404 on refreshing and that is expected.
Following are the configurations that can be made to this project, all the configurations exist in route directory configs.js (./configs.js)
- flickerApiKey - Define your own flicker api key here [params - api key in string]
- searchNetworkCallDelay - Define the delay to be present before making network call for search auto-complete suggestions [params - Milliseconds key in number]
- perPage - Defines number of photos to be fetched in each network call in gallery page
npm i
npm run start
npm run build
- Lazy loading of Images have been implemented (No pre built stuff used).
- Code splitting for better optimization of static files(script files) delivery and make initial load quicker.
- Throttling of network activities to reduce unhandled number of calls on search query (No pre built stuff used).
- Search suggestion network calls are throttled!
- No css frameworks used, all the styles and animations are handwritten !