As an algorithm engineer in image processing, I need to compare two videos as algorithm results a lot, sometimes back and forth, sometimes side by side.
Beyond Compare doesn't support video, which is painful. So I wrote one for myself.
- Compare two video side-by-side (horizontally or Vertical placed) and back-and-forth.
- Videos are resized to the same resolution if the sizes are different (Useful for comparing super-resolution results)
- Zoom in/out and move ROI
- Slow down the speed (no frame interpolation)
- Step and seek forward and backward
- Fast keyboard control
- Play
- space - pause / resume
- esc - quit
- left arrow(play) - 3 second back
- left arrow(pause) - 1 frame back
- right arrow(play) - 3 second ahead
- right arrow(pause) - 1 frame ahead
- View
- q - zoom out
- e - zoom in
- wasd - pan all video
- 1 - switch to #1 video
- 2 - switch to #2 video
- 3 - switch to horitonzal view
- 4 - switch to vertical view
- f - switch between scale and crop (when video size are different)
- Speed
- z - speed down
- x - speed reset
- c - speed up
Usage: VideoCompare.exe [params] 1 2
-?, -h, --help, --usage
print this message
-v, --view (value:3)
initial view
path to 1st video
path to 2nd video
Tip: You can drag and drop two video files onto the icon