A simple Stormancer server application demonstrating auth, party, gamefinder and P2P gamesession capabilities
# Install the Stormancer CLI
dotnet tools install Stormancer.CLI --global
# Install the Management CLI.
stormancer plugins add --id Stormancer.Management.CLI
# Create default server config
stormancer new config
# Start server and return
stormancer start &
# Add the local cluster that was just started to the list of managed clusters.
stormancer manage clusters add --endpoint http://localhost:81
# Create an application profile that contain all the info required to deploy an application.
stormancer new app-profile --cluster default --account tests --app test -o test-app.json --configSource https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Stormancer/sample-server-app/dev/config.json --deploySource git::https://github.com/Stormancer/sample-server-app.git::dev::src/server
# Create and deploy the app described in the app profile. (--create = create the app in the cluster if it doesn't exist, --configure = update the app configuration from the configSource, --deploy = deploy from the deploySource)
stormancer manage app deploy --app test-app.json --create --configure --deploy
To build the tests, the stormancer library must be on the computer and its directory set as the Stormancer-Cpp-LibPath
environment variable. The directory of the stormancer library should follow the following structure:
|-- Include
`-- Libs -- <platform>