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Version 1.1.2

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@matteobachetti matteobachetti released this 25 May 11:49
· 1002 commits to main since this release

New Features

  • Phase Dispersion Minimization as a method to search for periodic
    signals in data is now implemented in the stingray.pulse
    submodule. To use it, you can use the phase_dispersion_search
    function in The accompanying statistical
    tests are located in the stingray.stats module, under
    phase_dispersion_probability, phase_dispersion_logprobability
    and phase_dispersion_detection_level.
  • Add is_sorted function, to test if an array is sorted.
  • Check if invalid data are inside GTIs, and warn or raise exception

Bug Fixes

  • The method apply_gtis of the class Lightcurve is applied to all the
    attributes of the class Lightcurve. This works for both inplace=True
    and inplace=False
  • Avoid allocation of an unneeded square matrix to improve memory
    management in _als (fix Issue 724)
  • Fix Issue #726 -- Loading events without fmt keyword crashes


  • Reordered information about contributions with new black and
    towncrier procedures

Internal Changes

  • Using towncrier to generate
    the changelogs.
  • Added stingray's logo in the documentation's favicon and top bar.
  • Improved contributing workflow by appending black codestyle
    configuration to pyproject.toml and ignoring PEP-8 non-compliant
    E203, W503 in flake8.
  • Added a scrollbar to sidebarwrapper
  • Simplify numba mocking code, and possibly improve code coverage