📼 Backblaze B2 API client services for Symfony projects
To install this bundle, run the following in your Symfony project directory:
$ composer require steppinghat/backblaze-b2-bundle
Then register the bundle in config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
SteppingHat\BackblazeB2\BackblazeB2Bundle::class => ['all' => true]
And lastly, create a config file in config/packages
called backblaze_b2.yaml
account_id: '%env(BACKBLAZE_MASTER_ACCOUNT_ID)%'
application_id: '%env(BACKBLAZE_MASTER_APPLICATION_ID)%'
application_secret: '%env(BACKBLAZE_MASTER_APPLICATION_KEY)%'
token_cache_directory: ~
Before setting off, you'll need to create a key by going to App Keys in your Backblaze Account.
Not all keys are created equal!
You can use an application key, however the capabilities are very limited in comparison to the master application key. Please bare this in mind when configuring the bundle.
In order to both reduce the number of API calls made, and speed up the overall turnaround time, we can optionally cache tokens to disk. This means that instead of requesting the authentication token needed to carry out requests every time, we use one from an earlier call that we've cached. These tokens last ~12 hours before they expire and a new one is needed.
While is can be preferable, some might not like the idea of keeping a token saved to disk for security reasons. If your
system is well secured and this isn't as much of a risk, turn this on by setting tokenCacheDirectory
to a valid
directory in that we have permissions to write to.
This cache is not cleared by running php bin/console cache:clear
For all basic usage of the API, simply use the BackblazeClient
class in your service.
use SteppingHat\BackblazeB2\Client\BackblazeClient;
class ExampleService {
protected BackblazeClient $client;
public function __construct(BackblazeClient $client) {
$this->client = $client;
- Create a bucket
- List all buckets
- Update a bucket
- Delete a bucket
- List all files
- Check if a file exists
- Get file info
- Delete a file
- Upload a file
- Download a file
Requires the writeBuckets
$bucket = $client->createBucket('bucketName', Bucket::TYPE_PRIVATE);
Requires the listBuckets
$buckets = $client->listBuckets();
Requires the writeBuckets
$bucket = $client->updateBucket($bucket, Bucket::TYPE_PUBLIC);
Requires the deleteBuckets
Requires the listFiles
// List all files across all buckets
$files = $client->listFiles();
// List all files in a specific bucket
$files = $client->listFiles($bucket);
// Search for a specific file
$files = $client->listFiles($bucket, 'animals/dogs/floof.png');
// Search for all files matching a prefix
$files = $client->listFiles($bucket, null, 'animals/dogs/');
Requires the listFiles
if($client->fileExists($bucket, 'animals/dogs/doggo.jpg')) {
// ...
Requires the readFiles
$file = $client->getFileInfo($file);
// or
$file = $client->getFileInfoById($fileId);
Requires the deleteFiles
If a file has governance restrictions, access keys with the bypassGovernance
capability can force delete files.
$client->deleteFile($file, true);
Requires the writeFiles
Files can be uploaded by either passing a string content
$fileContent = 'Hello world!';
// or
$fileContent = file_get_contents('hello.txt');
$client->upload($bucket, $fileContent, 'files/hello.txt');
or files can be passed in as a resource
$file = fopen('smoldoggo.png', 'r');
$client->upload($bucket, $file, 'animals/dogs/smoldoggo.png');
⚠ Resource content is loaded into memory before being sent. This is due to a limitation where the Symfony HttpClient library sends headers after the content, and the Backblaze API expects it before. As a result, we can't directly pass the resource directly to Backblaze. This is currently a //TODO to find a workaround for. If you intend to upload large files, this may be an issue.
Requires the readFiles
Downloaded content is simply returned into a variable
$content = $client->download($file);
echo $file;
// Hello world!
but can also be passed directly into a resource
$resource = fwrite('/tmp/smoldoggo.png', 'w');
$client->download($file, $resource);
In terms of tests, there are no tests. (Boooo).
This library is still a work in progress as I don't yet fully support the B2 API, nor have I ironed out 100% of the kinks (see uploading a resource for example).
Most of the functionality works (I use it in my own app), I guess you can call that some sort of guarantee?
But don't worry, once I've built out the library some more there will be tests - I promise!
Made with ❤️ by Javan Eskander
Available for use under the MIT license.