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Legion: Control Replication Quickstart

Elliott Slaughter edited this page May 2, 2024 · 20 revisions


Control replication is a transformation that makes implicitly parallel execution in Legion dramatically more scalable by replicating the execution of the "control" part of task T and automatically parallelizing and distributing the dependence analysis of any sub-tasks that T launches so the effective behavior is equivalent to a single logical execution of T . Any task in a Legion program can be control replicated, but commonly only the top-level task needs to be control replicated to achieve scalability.

Consider the non-control-replicated scenario where T is running on one processor and launching sub-tasks onto N other processors. The process running T becomes a bottleneck because T has to issue work to all N other processors. If T launches S subtasks, then T generally has to send O ( S ) messages to the N processors to notify them of the work they need to perform. (Usually S = O ( N ) .)

When we execute the same program with control replication, a separate copy of T will run on each of the N processors; each copy is called a shard. Every shard launches the same sequence of sub-tasks. However, each shard only executes the tasks that will run locally: that is, each shard runs S / N of the total amount of work. Legion's dependence analysis will automatically insert any data movement or synchronization required between the sub-tasks executed on different shards. Thus the task T appears to be running logically only once, even though multiple copies of T are actually being executed on different processors.


Note that since T will be executed N times, in order to guarantee correctness you need to ensure that each copy of T launches the same sequence of sub-tasks S (otherwise the execution would be inconsistent). We call this replicability: if T can be safely control replicated, we say that T is replicable. The only requirement for T to be replicable is that it will produce the same sequence of Legion runtime API calls with the same arguments on each shard. (For a more precise and detailed description of the replicable requirement we suggest reading the DCR paper.) To ensure a task is replicable we recommend avoiding the following patterns:

  • Using data structures such as hash tables, that do not guarantee iteration order, depending on how exactly the data structure is used. For example, launching a subtask only if an element is present in the hash table is fine, but iterating over a hash table and launching a task for each element is not, since different copies of T on different processes might iterate over elements in a different order (again, unless the hash table is deterministic). Similar constraints apply to STL-like data structures such as std:set and std::map if they are keyed on types like pointers. In languages like Python, data structures like set that are keyed by hashed values can lead to violations of replicability, whereas data structures like dict are less likely to cause problems since their iteration order is deterministic on insertion order (in Python 3).
  • Using random number generators in a way that impacts the control flow or arguments passed to Legion API calls. (Unless the random number generator and its seeds are deterministic and the user has verified they produce the same values in every shard.)
  • Polling on whether futures or future maps are finished and using that information to impact control flow or determine what tasks or other operations to have Legion launch.
  • Performing I/O without using explicit Legion attach/detach operations or the Runtime::print_once or Runtime::log_once runtime functions.

There are exceptions to all these guidelines that can be done safely, but please be careful. You can run your program with -lg:safe_ctrlrepl 1 to ask the runtime to perform (expensive) checks that will detect violations of this property.

Activating Control Replication in Legion

  • Choose the task T that you want to replicate. This will most often be the top-level task.
  • Verify that at least one variant of T is replicable (see discussion above).
  • When registering the task variant for T , declare it as replicable in the TaskVariantRegistrar using TaskVariantRegistrar::set_replicable().

The above are sufficient if you are control replicating the top-level task of your program and relying on the default mapper as the default mapper will automatically replicate one copy of the top-level task on each node of multi-node run, presuming it can find a replicable task variant. The following steps are recommended for all other use cases:

  • Create and register a custom mapper.
  • Use your custom mapper when launching T , and when launching any subtask S within T .
  • Set replicate=true in select_task_options for T in your mapper.
  • Implement replicate_task in your mapper, which decides how to instantiate shards. Different ranks/nodes can be assigned different numbers of shards, and not every rank/node must be assigned a shard. The most common configuration is 1 shard per rank and 1 rank per node.
  • Create and register one or more ShardingFunctor objects. This code will select, for each sub-task S , which shard will execute it.
  • Implement select_sharding_functor in your mapper, to pick which sharding functor will be used for each task/copy/etc launch.

Now if you perform an index launch within T , instead of having one process distribute the entire launch space in slice_task, each shard will first apply the sharding functor to select the points it's responsible for, then it will get a local slice_task callback to (locally) distribute those point tasks.

Activating Control Replication in Regent

Regent automatically checks every task to see if it is replicable, and marks the task as such. If you wish to ensure that a task is replicable, you may add the annotation __demand(__replicable) to the top of the task. Note that this does not change the compiler analysis in any way, but throws an error if the marked task is not in fact replicable. It is recommended to mark your top-level task with this annotation so that you can catch any potential replicability failures at compile time.

Otherwise, the mapping advice above generally applies to Regent programs as well.

Other Tips

  • If you use printf for console printing inside T then the output will be duplicated in every shard. Use the LEGION_PRINT_ONCE macro instead, or explicitly call the Runtime::print_once or Runtime::log_once functions.
  • If you are using Legion in a programming language with a garbage collector, you can help ensure your tasks are replicable by making sure that any operations launched from the garbage collector (e.g. detach or deletion operations) pass true for the unordered parameter. In such cases you do not need to guarantee that those operations are performed in the same order across the shards. Legion will match up such operations once it has seen one in every shard and automatically insert them in a deterministic way into the stream of sub-tasks/operations launched. You are still responsible for making sure each shard issues such deletions or detach operations in every shard, but the ordering does not matter.
  • In addition to control replication, Legion also supports normal (non-control) replication of tasks. A task that is replicated (not control-replicated) simply runs N times. You can replicate leaf tasks to run the same computation in different places to produce the same data. The same mapper paths are used for replicating leaf tasks. If the selected task variant is a leaf variant, then Legion will automatically know to perform normal replication and not control replication of the task.