Releases: StackExplode/ReservoirServer
ReservoirServer V1.10a
This is an early alpha test version, log file output, data encryption and exception handling are not implemented.
Requires .net core 3.0 runtime enviroment!
It's cross platform, and has been tested in windows 10 1803 and Centos 7.5 with x86 platform.
- Download "" and extract it.
- Open "config.ini" and change the parameters.
- Windows: Run "ReservoirServer.exe" directly.
- Linux: After installing dotnet, run "dotnet ReservoirServer.dll" command.
- Optionally, download "" to test activemq communication.(It'a a GUI application depending on .net core 3.1 and only is tested in Windows)
- Add username and password features for ActiveMQ connection.
ReservoirServer V1.09a
This is an early alpha test version, log file output, data encryption and exception handling are not implemented.
Requires .net core 3.0 runtime enviroment!
It's cross platform, and has been tested in windows 10 1803 and Centos 7.5 with x86 platform.
- Download "" and extract it.
- Open "config.ini" and change the parameters.
- Windows: Run "ReservoirServer.exe" directly.
- Linux: After installing dotnet, run "dotnet ReservoirServer.dll" command.
- Optionally, download "" to test activemq communication.(It'a a GUI application depending on .net core 3.1 and only is tested in Windows)
- According to the 2022.05.05 version changes of remote protocol, several codes modified.(Including new alert data field, new prerelease data etc.)
ReservoirServer V1.08a
This is an early alpha test version, log file output, data encryption and exception handling are not implemented.
Requires .net core 3.0 runtime enviroment!
It's cross platform, and has been tested in windows 10 1803 and Centos 7.5 with x86 platform.
- Download "" and extract it.
- Open "config.ini" and change the parameters.
- Windows: Run "ReservoirServer.exe" directly.
- Linux: After installing dotnet, run "dotnet ReservoirServer.dll" command.
- Optionally, download "" to test activemq communication.(It'a a GUI application depending on .net core 3.1 and only is tested in Windows)
- Fix a dead lock problem.
- Fix TCP disconnection judgement problem.
- Fix TCPDriver.IsAvaliable proterty problem.
- Fix sending data to a disconnected TCP client prompting exception.
- Fix multiple server using same ActiveMQ client name and consumer name caused conflict.
ReservoirServer V1.07a
This is an early alpha test version, log file output, data encryption and exception handling are not implemented.
Depending on runtime of .net core 3.0
It's cross platform, and has been tested in windows 10 1803 and Centos 7.5 with x86 platform.
- Download "" and extract it.
- Open "config.ini" and change the parameters.
- Windows: Run "ReservoirServer.exe" directly.
- Linux: After installing dotnet, run "dotnet ReservoirServer.dll" command.
- Optionally, download "" to test activemq communication.(It'a a GUI application depending on .net core 3.1 and only is tested in Windows)
- Fix some locker error which attempts to release without entered.
- Fix remote ActiveMq connection error when remote restarts server.( Stability remains to be verified)
ReservoirServer V1.06a
This is an early alpha test version, log file output, data encryption and exception handling are not implemented.
Rely on runtime of .net core 3.0
It's cross platform, and has been tested in windows 10 1803 and Centos 7.5 with x86 platform.
- Download "" and extract it.
- Open "config.ini" and change the parameters.
- Windows: Run "ReservoirServer.exe" directly.
- Linux: After installing dotnet, run "dotnet ReservoirServer.dll" command.
- Optionally, download "" to test activemq communication.(It'a a GUI application relying on .net core 3.1 and only is tested in Windows)
- Json data sending to Boxes add a "DateTime" field.
- Config file(config.ini) now add a new config "charset" that changes Box incoming and outcoming data chartset.
- Fix some json parsing bug.
- Fix some locker releasing bug(forgotten adding "finally" block to release locker after catching exceptions :-P)
ReservoirServer V1.05a
This is an early alpha test version, log file output, data encryption and exception handling are not implemented.
Rely on runtime of .net core 3.0
It's cross platform, and has been tested in windows 10 1803 and Centos 7.5 with x86 platform.
- Download "" and extract it.
- Open "config.ini" and change the parameters.
- Windows: Run "ReservoirServer.exe" directly.
- Linux: After installing dotnet, run "dotnet ReservoirServer.dll" command.
- Optionally, download "" to test activemq communication.(It'a a GUI application relying on .net core 3.1 and only is tested in Windows)
- First release.