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Workflow Updates

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@k-florek k-florek released this 16 Apr 14:55

Cecret Updates:

  • process ivar_variants and ivar_consensus have memory designations so that it doesn't fail as often
  • process samtools_plot_ampliconstats has been added
  • process vadr has been added
  • process bedtools has been renamed to bedtools_multicov and now requires the user to supply the amplicon file (instead of me trying to imagine what it would be from the primer bedfile)
  • ivar variants now creates a pseudo vcf file for bamsnap.
  • --annotation has been added an option, just in case the end user wants to run pangolin, nextclade, vadr, mafft/snpdists/iqtree on a collection of fastas
  • process filter has been added
  • most processes now have a free text *_options parameter to make it easier for the end user to modify options
  • container and stageInMode have been added to processes in the main file
  • renaming files now has an external as opposed to internal script
  • I've adjusted the config file template into something that makes more sense to me and added more variables

Monroe ONT Updates

  • Removed Nanopolish option
  • Updated ARTIC workflow and added Medaka models
  • Option to use reads that are already basecalled and de-multiplexed