Koa Mongo Angular TypeScript, crud api starter for a Company Management Demo project.
The client has been generated with Angular CLI. PrimeNg components & Bootstrap have been used to build the UI.
- Node >= 12.4.0
- Mongo >= 3.6
- cd src/api/
- npm i
- npm run build
- npm start
- cd src/ui/
- npm i
- npm start
- docker-compose up -d
How to Test (Jest)
- cd src/api/
- npm run test
- cd src/ui/
- npm run test
You can find the documentation for the api if you open the file docs/api/index.html
to your browser.
The documentation was powered by apiDocs.
- In this project authentication is implemented without any credentials just to show how guards should be set up.
- When the database does not have any entities, default data are automatically generated.
- Didn’t use ngrx, akita or another state management library, although we should understand the benefits of reactive state management
- Some important test cases may be missing :)
- Unit tests for the server startup, that would ensure that the application starts successfully are missing.
- The client app should ensure full functionality with e2e tests. Protractor is already set from angular cli.
NAME | Default |
MONGO_URL | mongodb:// |
API_PORT | 3000 |