A Simple PHP ACL This ACL gives you control over the users, user roles and their permissions. This ACL is a improved version of the ACL from a net.tuts+ tuturial.
- Create a MySQL database.
- Open assets/php/database.php with your IDE/text editor of choice.
- Edit the variables on lines 5-8 with the correct values for your DB setup.
- Save and upload all files from the archive to your webserver.
- Using your browser, navigate to the install.php file wherever you uploaded it.
- Select whether or not you want to install the sample records.
- Once it finishes running the SQL commands to create the tables it will redirect you to the index page.
- Delete install.php, install.sql, and sampleData.sql.
NOTE: If you change the ACL permissions so that user #1 no longer has the 'access_admin' permission, you won't be able to access the admin site because only userID = 1 has access to Admin Area by default.