Gigabyte Aorus MASTER RTX 3070
imgur.exe input targetW targetH srcX srcY srcW srcH output depth bpp compress
input The input GIF file
targetW, targetH Size of the output frames
srcX, srcY Upper-left corner of crop area
srcW, srcH Size of crop area
output Path where the animation.ini will be saved
depth ???
bpp Bits per pixel (e.g. 16 = PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565)
compress Compression algorithm
imger.exe "C:\Users\Sparky\Downloads\vibing cat.gif" 320 170 0 0 320 170 \
"C:\Users\Sparky\RiderProjects\RGBFusion\imger\bin\Debug\assets\animation.ini" 10 16 RLE
The program generates a file called animation.bin in the output folder. This file contains the RLE-compressed image data of the GIF frames. This is the layout of the file:
Offset | Length | Type | Description |
0 | 2 | ushort | Total number of frames (nFrame) |
2 | 10*nFrame | FrameInfo | Data block that describes the frames |
2+10*nFrame | - | Frame | RLE-Compressed frame data |
Offset | Length | Type | Description |
0 | 4 | uint | EndOffset of frame data |
4 | 2 | ushort | Width of a frame |
6 | 2 | ushort | Height of a frame |
8 | 2 | ushort | Image Format (always 3) |