ReactiveCommandAttribute is a convenient Source Generator library designed to enhance your development experience with the ReactiveUI library by automating the creation of ReactiveCommands.
The centerpiece of the package is the ReactiveCommand
attribute. When attached to a method within your partial ViewModel class, this attribute triggers a build step that automatically extends the class with the corresponding ReactiveCommand properties and an initializer function.
Installing PropertyChanged.SourceGenerator into your project is straightforward. You'll need to have .NET Core installed on your system to begin.
Simply add the PropertyChanged.SourceGenerator
NuGet package to your project using either the .NET CLI or the NuGet Package Manager.
public partial class MyViewModel : ReactiveObject
public MyViewModel()
public void DoStuff()
public int ParseStringAsInt(string str) => int.Parse(str);
Generated code:
public partial class MyViewModel
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> DoStuffCommand { get; private set; }
public ReactiveCommand<string, int> ParseStringAsIntCommand { get; private set; }
internal void InitializeCommands()
DoStuffCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(DoStuff);
ParseStringAsIntCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create<string, int>(ParseStringAsInt);