___ |/ /____________________________________ ____ ______
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/_/ /_/ \____//_/ /_/\____/\___/ \____/\__, / \__,_/ \___/
Cross Platform device manager for driving and flight simulators, for use with common simulator software titles.
- Updates at 60 frames per seconds.
- Modular design for support with various titles and devices.
- Supports bass shakers, tachometers, several wheels, simlights, simwind etc, through usb and arduino serial.
- Tachometer support is currently limited to the Revburner model. Supports existing revburner xml configuration files.
- Includes utility to configure revburner tachometer
- Can send data to any serial device. So far only tested with arduino. Includes sample arduino sketch for sim lights, simwind, and simhaptic effects for motors.
- Convincing shaker effects for noise tranducers for wheel slip, wheel lock, and abs, as well as engine rpm and gear shifts.
- Choice of Portaudio or Pulseaudio (libpulse) backend.
Supported Games ( see simapi for more details of what is supported from each sim )
Using SimSHMBridge
- Asseto Corsa
- Assetto Corsa Competizione
- Project Cars 2 (untested)
- Automobilista 2
Using scs-sdk-plugin
- Euro Truck Simuator 2
- American Truck Simulator
Using rfactor 2 plugin
- RFactor 2
Using UDP
- Automobilista 2
- Project Cars 2 (untested)
- libserialport - arduino serial devices
- hidapi - usb hid devices
- portaudio - sound devices (haptic bass shakers)
- libpulse - sound devices (haptic bass shakers)
- libuv base event loop
- libxml2
- argtable2
- libconfig
- xdg-basedir
- slog (static)
- simshmbridge - for sims that need shared memory mapping like AC and Project Cars related.
- simapi
This code depends on the shared memory data headers in the simapi repo. When pulling lastest if the submodule does not download run:
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then to compile simply:
mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
to use the pulseaudio backend use this cmake command
When using pulseaudio it is necesarry to provide a devid in the configuration. You can find this with:
pacmd list-sinks
pacmd list-sinks | grep name:
analyze the output to determine the appropriate hardware to which you would like to output the effects. ( Need to research how to do this with pipewire. )
Currently Monocoque supports simwind and shiftlights through the included arduino sketches which have been tested on Uno boards. The simwind controller requires a Motor shield.
There are included Makefiles for each controller. For now, the makefiles expect the device to be attached at /dev/ttyACM0. So unplug both controllers, and then plug in just the controller you're updating to ensure the correct controller is at /dev/ttyACM0.
To compile and upload these sketches, the Makefiles use arduino-cli. Unfortunately it seems some distributions such as debian do not include this in the repositories. If this is the case follow the install instructions here:
You may have to download the core libraries, it will prompt you to do so if you do not have them and you go further
arduino-cli core install arduino:avr
Then for shiftlights navigate to included shiftlight directory ( be sure only the shiftlight controller is plugged into the machine and is available at /dev/ttyACM0 ) and
arduino-cli lib install FastLED
Then for simwind navigate to the included simwind directory ( be sure only the simwind controller is plugged into the machine and is available at /dev/ttyACM0 ) and
ARDUINO_LIBRARY_ENABLE_UNSAFE_INSTALL=true arduino-cli lib install --git-url https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Motor_Shield_V2_Library.git
ARDUINO_LIBRARY_ENABLE_UNSAFE_INSTALL=true arduino-cli lib install --git-url https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_BusIO.git
cd ../src/arduino/{simwind/shiftlights/simhaptic} # Depending on the controller you have.
make # Make sure serial connection is the same as on the host pc and it have the right group permission to access the device without root
- Acc Pedal Motor to be connected to M1
- Brake Pedal Motor to be connected to M3
- you can actually connect the motors how you wish, but you'd have to make the appropriate changes to the config and to the arduino sketch.
- User needs to start monocoque and drive the new car straight at 70 kmph and then stop steering, acc or brake input
./monocoque test -vv # Make sure that ~/.config/monocque/monocoque.config only contains the devices you have connected.
mkdir build; cd build
make clean
cmake -Danalyze=on ..
cd build
valgrind -v --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --suppressions=../.valgrindrc ./monocoque play
- add option to specify frame rate
- add ability to set frame rate per effect
- add frequency cap (low pass filter) to sound haptic effects
- add road and kerb sound haptic effects
- windows port
- more memory testing
- cleanup tests which are basically just copies of the example from their respective projects
- much, much more