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SotaYoshida committed Mar 4, 2024
1 parent 5dbfb2a commit 1a564b0
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Showing 2 changed files with 3 additions and 132 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/CI_pullrequest.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,10 +30,8 @@ jobs:
arch: x64
- uses: julia-actions/cache@v1
- uses: julia-actions/julia-buildpkg@v1
#- uses: julia-actions/julia-runtest@v1
- name: "Run tests"
run: |
cp -r test/* .
julia --project -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.test()'
# env:
Expand Down
133 changes: 3 additions & 130 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ using Test
using Printf

@testset "NuclearToolkit.jl" begin
run(`ls test`)

Expand All @@ -29,133 +32,3 @@ using Printf


# @testset "NuclearToolkit.jl" begin
# @testset "generate NN potential" begin
# @test make_chiEFTint(;fn_params="optional_parameters_srg_emn500n4lo_2n3n.jl")
# @test make_chiEFTint(;fn_params="optional_parameters_nnlosat.jl",deuteron_check=true)
# @test make_chiEFTint(;fn_params="optional_parameters.jl")
# @test make_chiEFTint(;fn_params="optional_parameters_snt.jl")
# end

# @testset "HFMBPT & VS-IMSRG calculations" begin
# hw = 20; emax=2
# nuc = "He4"; core = "He4"; vspace="p-shell"
# nucs = ["He4"]
# sntf = "tbme_em500n3lo_barehw20emax2.snt.bin"
# ## HF-MBPT from snt/snt.bin
# @testset "HFMBPT results under bare EM500,hw20,e2,nmesh50" begin
# Eref = [1.493, -5.805, 0.395]
# HFobj1 = hf_main(nucs,sntf,hw,emax;return_obj=true,verbose=true)
# Es1 = [HFobj1.E0, HFobj1.EMP2, HFobj1.EMP3]
# println("Eref $Eref")
# println("Es1 $Es1")
# @testset "HF" begin
# @test (Es1[1] - Eref[1])^2 < 1.e-4
# end
# @testset "EMP2" begin
# @test (Es1[2] - Eref[2])^2 < 1.e-4
# end
# @testset "EMP3" begin
# @test (Es1[3] - Eref[3])^2 < 1.e-4
# end
# @testset "snt & snt.bin must give identical results" begin
# tsntf = replace(sntf,".snt.bin" => ".snt")
# HFobj2 = hf_main(nucs,tsntf,hw,emax;return_obj=true)
# Es2 = [HFobj2.E0, HFobj2.EMP2, HFobj2.EMP3]
# @test ((HFobj1.E0-HFobj2.E0)^2 + (HFobj1.EMP2-HFobj2.EMP2)^2 + (HFobj1.EMP3-HFobj2.EMP3)^2) < 1.e-6
# end
# end
# Eref = -4.05225276
# @testset "IMSRG results under bare EM500,hw20,e2,nmesh50" begin
# IMSRGobj = hf_main(nucs,sntf,hw,emax;doIMSRG=true,return_obj=true)
# Es = IMSRGobj.H.zerobody[1]
# @test abs(Eref-Es[1]) < 1.e-6
# end
# @testset "VSIMSRG results under bare EM500,hw20,e2,nmesh50" begin
# IMSRGobj = hf_main(nucs,sntf,hw,emax;doIMSRG=true,corenuc=core,ref="nuc",valencespace=vspace,return_obj=true)
# Es = IMSRGobj.H.zerobody[1]
# @test abs(Eref - Es[1]) < 1.e-6
# end
# end

# include("./ShellModel_test.jl")

# @testset "Testing EC on shell model" begin
# target_nuc = "O18"
# num_ev = 3
# targetJ = 0
# sntpath = "random_snts/"
# spath = "wavsamples/"
# if !isdir("wavsamples")
# mkdir("wavsamples")
# end
# if !isdir("appwavs")
# mkdir("appwavs")
# end

# println("sampling...")
# mode = "sample"
# num_ECsample = 1
# Hs = [ sntpath*"tmp_$i"*".snt" for i = 0:4 ]
# @test prepEC(Hs,target_nuc,num_ev,num_ECsample,targetJ,mode;path_to_samplewav=spath,save_wav=true) == nothing

# println("make TDmat...")
# num_ECsamples = length(Hs)
# mode = "TD"
# @test prepEC(Hs,target_nuc,num_ev,num_ECsample,targetJ,mode;path_to_samplewav=spath) == nothing

# println("solving EC")
# write_appwav = true
# @test solveEC(["usdb.snt"],target_nuc,[[targetJ,num_ev]];write_appwav=true,wpath="./wavsamples",tdmatpath="./tdmat/") == nothing

# end

# @testset "making msnt file for Quantum Calculations" begin
# @test main_trans_msnt("vsimsrg_p-shell_coreHe4refHe4_He4_hw20e2_Delta0.0.snt","Li6") == nothing
# end

# @testset "testing HFMBPT/IMSRG for Rp2 with BetaCM=1.0" begin
# nucs = ["He4"]
# sntf = "tbme_emn500n4lo_2n3n_srg10.0hw20emax2.snt.bin"
# hw = 20
# emax = 2
# IMSRGobj = hf_main(nucs,sntf,hw,emax;doIMSRG=true,Operators=["Rp2"],return_obj=true)
# #checking Rp2 value from IMSRG calculation
# Rp2_ref = 1.559825^2
# @test abs(IMSRGobj.ExpectationValues["Rp2"] - Rp2_ref)^2 < 1.e-6
# end

# @testset "genuine3NF" begin
# test3NF()
# end
# @testset "2n3n calibration runnable?" begin
# @test make_chiEFTint(;nucs=["He4"],itnum=3,optimizer="MCMC")
# @test make_chiEFTint(;nucs=["He4"],itnum=3,optimizer="LHS")
# @test make_chiEFTint(;nucs=["He4"],itnum=3,optimizer="BayesOpt")
# #@test make_chiEFTint(;nucs=["He4"],itnum=6,optimizer="MCMC",MPIcomm=true)
# end

# @testset "Reading 3BME file from NuHamil code (by T. Miyagi)" begin
# sntf = "tbme_em500n3lo_barehw20emax2.snt.bin"
# fn_3nf = "small_3BME_N3LOlnl_4_8_4.me3j.gz"
# hw = 16
# emax = 2; e3max = 4; e1max_file=4; e2max_file=8; e3max_file=4
# HFobj = hf_main(["He6"],sntf,hw,emax;return_obj=true,
# e1max_file=e1max_file,e2max_file=e2max_file,e3max_file=e3max_file,e3max=e3max,fn_3nf=fn_3nf)
# Es = [HFobj.E0, HFobj.EMP2, HFobj.EMP3]
# Eref = [ 8.160870, -9.58767, -0.82059]
# @test (Es[1] - Eref[1])^2 + (Es[2] - Eref[2])^2 + (Es[3] - Eref[3])^2 < 1.e-7
# end
# rm("tbme_em500n3lo_barehw20emax2.snt")
# rm("tbme_em500n3lo_barehw20emax2.snt.bin")
# rm("vsimsrg_p-shell_coreHe4refHe4_He4_hw20e2_Delta0.0.snt")
# rm("vsimsrg_p-shell_coreHe4refHe4_He4_hw20e2_Delta0.0.msnt")
# rm("He6_ckpot_j0.wav")
# rm("He6_ckpot_j4.wav")
# rm("flowOmega",recursive=true)
# rm("A3files",recursive=true)
# rm("tdmat",recursive=true)
# rm("wavsamples",recursive=true)
# rm("appwavs",recursive=true)
# end

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