Release notes - SonarIac - 1.39
SONARIAC-1558 Heredoc parser shouldn't crash on empty heredoc
SONARIAC-1629 Bicep parser should support spread operator
SONARIAC-1634 Parser should not fail on equality operator case insensitive
SONARIAC-1635 Parser should not fail on type references constructed from identifiers
SONARIAC-1674 Bicep parser should parse additional properties type suffix
SONARIAC-1793 Support nullable types in Bicep
SONARIAC-1794 Support array dereferenced via "[*]" syntax in Bicep
SONARIAC-1797 Bicep parser should support identifiers in types as suffix
SONARIAC-1802 All Kustomize files should be counted for telemetry
SONARIAC-1820 Bicep parser should support multiline string with quotes insides
SONARIAC-1821 S6584 should not raise on gdebi with --n option
New Feature
SONARIAC-1735 Share common logic between Kuberenetes and Ansible
SONARIAC-1799 S6584 should raise on gdebi command when -n and --non-interactive options are missing
False Negative
SONARIAC-376 S6249 should raise on the sensitive RSPEC example
SONARIAC-1087 The test case files should have a valid file identifier
SONARIAC-1623 SpringConfiguration sensor misses files
SONARIAC-1624 S4423: Support detection of coma-separated properties
SONARIAC-1625 S4423: Add support for Rsocket enabled protocols
False Positive
SONARIAC-1121 S6595 shouldn't raise on gdebi package manager frontend
SONARIAC-1678 S6579 should not raise an issue when args are used in other args
SONARIAC-1679 S6587 should not raise an issue when a cache mount is defined with a variable
SONARIAC-1718 Rule S6954 should ignore empty properties
SONARIAC-1720 S6294 should not raise an issue for alternative log group declaration
SONARIAC-1737 S6954 shouldn't flag "userAssignedIdentities"
SONARIAC-1759 S6870: Add additional conditions for read-only detection
SONARIAC-1772 S6587 should not raise when used in multistage build
SONARIAC-1780 S6573 should not raise on heredoc
SONARIAC-1795 S6587 should not raise when cache is removed
SONARIAC-1761 "community.kubernetes.k8s" should be detected as a Kubernetes module
SONARIAC-1806 Expand AzureResourceManager FilePredicate with http schema url
SONARIAC-1810 Updating to SONAR Source-Available License v1.0 (SSALv1)