proxy-checker-advanced is an advanced proxy checker which stores the index of the last working proxy so you could get to the next proxy when you need to without going through the old non working proxies again!
This module only supports HTTP proxy checking for now, socks5 will be added soon Theres no support for authentication. It will be added soon
First install the module
npm i proxy-checker-advanced
Example of functions that can be used with this module
const ProxyChecker = require('proxy-checker-advanced');
const proxycheck = new ProxyChecker(["proxy", "here"]);
// proxies to be checked should be provided in the format like this
// protocol://host:port
// for ex:
(async ()=>{
console.log(await proxycheck.checkAllProxies());
/* checks all proxies and returns an array of json objects in following format
console.log(await proxycheck.checkNextProxy(1));
returns an arary of json objects containing the number of proxies requested by
providing the number as parameter of function with the same format as checkAllProxies method