This contract lets an integrator take a percent based fee when bridging through Socket. Contract has the ability to register a fee, update a fee, claim the fee earned and passes the call to the Registry contract of socket for the final bridging. Fee can be split into max 3 entities if needed.
forge install
forge build
forge test -vvvvv --fork-url <RPC_URL>
In summary:
function registerFeeConfig( uint16 integratorId, uint16 totalFeeInBps, FeeSplits[3] calldata feeSplits )
Owner can register the fee config on behalf of the integrator by calling the above function.
function updateFeeConfig( uint16 integratorId, uint16 totalFeeInBps, FeeSplits[3] calldata feeSplits )
Owner can update the fee config on behalf of the integrator by calling the above function.
function claimFee(uint16 integratorId, address tokenAddress)
Anyone can call the above function and the earned fee will be distributed as per the fee config.
function callRegistry(FeeRequest calldata _feeRequest)
This function is responsible for the actual bridging with fee deduction. It checks the fee in the request against the fee config and validates the request.
function _calculateAndClaimFee( uint16 integratorId, uint256 earnedFee, uint16 part, uint16 total, address feeTaker, address tokenAddress )
Calculates the amount of fee from the total fee earned for the respective address and sends the fee to the registered entity.
function _getApprovalAndInputTokenAddress( ISocketRegistry.UserRequest calldata userRequest )
Returns the input token address and approval address required for bridging and deducting fee.
function _getUserFundsToFeeRouter( address user, uint256 amount, address tokenAddress )
Gets the funds to this contract if its an ERC20 from the user's wallet.
function _getAmountForRegistry(uint16 integratorId, uint256 amount)
Calculates and returns the amount after deducting the fee from the input amount respective to the integrator fee config.
_updateEarnedFee( uint16 integratorId, address inputTokenAddress, uint256 amount, uint256 registryAmount )
Updates the fee earned by an integrator in respect to the token.
function getEarnedFee(uint16 integratorId, address tokenAddress)
Returns the amout of fee earned by an integrator against the token.
function getValidIntegrator(uint16 integratorId)
Returns a boolean after checking if the integrator is registered or not.
function getTotalFeeInBps(uint16 integratorId)
function getFeeSplits(uint16 integratorId)
Returns a FeeSplit Array registered against the integrator Id.
event RegisterFee( uint16 integratorId, uint16 totalFeeInBps, uint16 part1, uint16 part2, uint16 part3, address feeTaker1, address feeTaker2, address feeTaker3 );
Event emitted when a fee is registered against an integrator.
event UpdateFee( uint16 integratorId, uint16 totalFeeInBps, uint16 part1, uint16 part2, uint16 part3, address feeTaker1, address feeTaker2, address feeTaker3 );
Event emitted when the fee is updated for an integrator.
event ClaimFee( uint16 integratorId, address tokenAddress, uint256 amount, address feeTaker );
Event emitted when the Fee is claimed. Claim Fee will be emitted with each individual transfer.
event BridgeSocket( uint16 integratorId, uint256 amount, address inputTokenAddress, uint256 toChainId, uint256 middlewareId, uint256 bridgeId, uint256 totalFee );
Event emitted when
is successful.
struct FeeRequest { uint16 integratorId; uint256 inputAmount; ISocketRegistry.UserRequest userRequest; }
This forms the input to be passed to
, -
struct FeeSplits { address feeTaker; uint16 partOfTotalFeesInBps; }
This forms one object in the fee split array.
mapping(uint16 => bool) validIntegrators;
This map will hold all the integrators that have their fee registered.
mapping(uint16 => uint16) totalFeeMap;
This holds the totalFeeInBps for every registered integrator.
mapping(uint16 => FeeSplits[3]) feeSplitMap;
This holds the fee split configuration for each integrator registered.
mapping(uint16 => mapping(address => uint256)) earnedTokenFeeMap;
This is the amount of fee earned in each token against an integrator id.