- Live version
- UI Preview
- Description
- Credits
- Technologies used
- Installation
- Unit Tests
- Author
- Licence
The game is hosted here => ballDeyRun.
This is platform runner game. The player(ball) moves over platforms collecting stars and trying no to fall off. The game can be controlled with the following arrows keys;
====== Movement =====
Use Key:
UP - To move UP
DOWN - To stop bouncing
LEFT - To move LEFT
====== New Game ======
Use Key:
SPACE BAR - To start a new game after failing
====== Tip ======
Try to get as many stars as you can
You get 2 to 3 points for collecting a star.
Much appreciation goes to the following for making available the assets used for making this game
a. Impact Sounds- Kenney.nl.
b. @Ourcade for tutorials and assets.
- The game was developed with Phaser.
- Javascript
- Webpack 4 for managing javascript assets.
- Babel
- Github Actions for CI.
Follow the steps below run the game in a local environment; First ensure you have Node.js.
- Clone the repository from a terminal
git clone https://github.com/SmithVyne/phaser3-Runner-Game.git
. - Navigate to the project directory.
cd phaser3-Runner-Game
- Install project dependencies.
npm install
- Start the webback server.
npm run start
webpack will automatically serve the compiled build on http://localhost:8080/.
After cloning this repo, in your terminal
- Run
npm install
to install project dependencies. - Run
npm run test
to run the unit tests locally.
👤 Smith Nkereuwem
- Github: @SmithVyne
- Twitter: @SmithVyne
- Email: email me
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