Releases: SmilingWolf/SW-CV-ModelZoo
ConvNext B, ViT B16
Trained on Danbooru2021 512px SFW subset, modulos 0000-0899
top 5500 tags (2021_0000_0899_5500/selected_tags.csv)
alpha to white
padding to make the image square is white
channel order is BGR, input is 0...255, scaled to -1...1 within the model
run_name | definition_name | params_human | image_size | thres | F1 |
ConvNextBV1_09_25_2022_05h13m55s | B | 93.2M | 448 | 0.3673 | 0.6941 |
ViTB16_09_25_2022_04h53m38s | B16 | 90.5M | 448 | 0.3663 | 0.6918 |
ConvNext, T/S/B
Trained on Danbooru2021 512px SFW subset, modulos 0000-0899
alpha to white
padding to make the image square is white
channel order is BGR, input is 0...255, scaled to -1...1 within the model
run_name | definition_name | params_human | image_size | thres | F1 |
ConvNextBV1_03_10_2022_21h41m23s | B | 90.01M | 448 | 0.3372 | 0.6892 |
ConvNextSV1_03_11_2022_17h49m56s | S | 51.28M | 384 | 0.3301 | 0.6798 |
ConvNextTV1_03_05_2022_15h56m42s | T | 29.65M | 320 | 0.3259 | 0.6595 |
NFNet, L0/L1/L2 (based on timm Lx model definitions)
Trained on Danbooru2021 512px SFW subset, modulos 0000-0899
alpha to white
padding to make the image square is white
channel order is BGR, input is 0...255, scaled to -1...1 within the model
run_name | definition_name | params_human | image_size | thres | F1 |
NFNetL2V1_02_20_2022_10h27m08s | L2 | 60.96M | 448 | 0.3231 | 0.6785 |
NFNetL1V1_02_17_2022_20h18m38s | L1 | 45.65M | 384 | 0.3259 | 0.6691 |
NFNetL0V1_02_10_2022_17h50m14s | L0 | 27.32M | 320 | 0.3190 | 0.6509 |
Danbooru2021 training and validation data
Attaching the lists of files currently in use for training and validation, along with the selected labels.
Training and validation files have been selected from the 512px SFW subset.
NFNetL1V1-100-0.57141 20211231
- NFNet, L1 (based on
Lx model definitions), 100 epochs, F1 @ 0.4 at the end of the 100th epoch was 0.57141 - Trained on Danbooru2020 512px SFW subset, modulos 0000-0599
- 320px per side
- alpha to white
- padding to make the image square is white
- channel order is BGR, scaled to 0-1
- mixup alpha = 0.2 during epochs 76-100
- analyze_metrics on Danbooru2020 original set, modulos 0984-0999:
{'thres': 0.3485, 'F1': 0.6133, 'F2': 0.6133, 'MCC': 0.6094, 'A': 0.9923, 'R': 0.6133, 'P': 0.6133}
- analyze_metrics on image IDs 4970000-5000000:
{'thres': 0.3148, 'F1': 0.5942, 'F2': 0.5941, 'MCC': 0.5892, 'A': 0.9901, 'R': 0.5940, 'P': 0.5943}