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Releases: SmilingWolf/SW-CV-ModelZoo


21 Oct 13:26
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ConvNext B, ViT B16
Trained on Danbooru2021 512px SFW subset, modulos 0000-0899
top 5500 tags (2021_0000_0899_5500/selected_tags.csv)
alpha to white
padding to make the image square is white
channel order is BGR, input is 0...255, scaled to -1...1 within the model

run_name definition_name params_human image_size thres F1
ConvNextBV1_09_25_2022_05h13m55s B 93.2M 448 0.3673 0.6941
ViTB16_09_25_2022_04h53m38s B16 90.5M 448 0.3663 0.6918


22 Mar 17:50
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ConvNext, T/S/B
Trained on Danbooru2021 512px SFW subset, modulos 0000-0899
alpha to white
padding to make the image square is white
channel order is BGR, input is 0...255, scaled to -1...1 within the model

run_name definition_name params_human image_size thres F1
ConvNextBV1_03_10_2022_21h41m23s B 90.01M 448 0.3372 0.6892
ConvNextSV1_03_11_2022_17h49m56s S 51.28M 384 0.3301 0.6798
ConvNextTV1_03_05_2022_15h56m42s T 29.65M 320 0.3259 0.6595


04 Mar 08:54
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NFNet, L0/L1/L2 (based on timm Lx model definitions)
Trained on Danbooru2021 512px SFW subset, modulos 0000-0899
alpha to white
padding to make the image square is white
channel order is BGR, input is 0...255, scaled to -1...1 within the model

run_name definition_name params_human image_size thres F1
NFNetL2V1_02_20_2022_10h27m08s L2 60.96M 448 0.3231 0.6785
NFNetL1V1_02_17_2022_20h18m38s L1 45.65M 384 0.3259 0.6691
NFNetL0V1_02_10_2022_17h50m14s L0 27.32M 320 0.3190 0.6509

Danbooru2021 training and validation data

06 Feb 20:51
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Attaching the lists of files currently in use for training and validation, along with the selected labels.

Training and validation files have been selected from the 512px SFW subset.

NFNetL1V1-100-0.57141 20211231

31 Dec 17:52
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  • NFNet, L1 (based on timm Lx model definitions), 100 epochs, F1 @ 0.4 at the end of the 100th epoch was 0.57141
  • Trained on Danbooru2020 512px SFW subset, modulos 0000-0599
  • 320px per side
  • alpha to white
  • padding to make the image square is white
  • channel order is BGR, scaled to 0-1
  • mixup alpha = 0.2 during epochs 76-100
  • analyze_metrics on Danbooru2020 original set, modulos 0984-0999: {'thres': 0.3485, 'F1': 0.6133, 'F2': 0.6133, 'MCC': 0.6094, 'A': 0.9923, 'R': 0.6133, 'P': 0.6133}
  • analyze_metrics on image IDs 4970000-5000000: {'thres': 0.3148, 'F1': 0.5942, 'F2': 0.5941, 'MCC': 0.5892, 'A': 0.9901, 'R': 0.5940, 'P': 0.5943}