Lectures, labs and all documents associated with Spring 2021 short course.
For this course, we will be using the cloud installation of SlicerMorph (Courtesy of Microsoft Azure). As such all you need is a recent web browser and good internet connection. As a backup, we advise installing 3D Slicer and SlicerMorph extension to your laptop. See minimum computer requirements on Slicer's official documentation.. We also suggest installing R and Rstudio locally on your computer. Both are available on the SlicerMorphCloud.
Good to haves:
- A large external monitor (dual screen is preferred)
- A three-buttoned mouse.
To avoid issues relating to software taking up course time, please consider attending one of the optional tech check-ins, where we will help you install the necessary software.
- March 2nd, 1-2p (Pacific Daylight Time)
- March 4th, 10-11 (Pacific Daylight Time)
If you cannot attend either of those, instructions are here
Accounts: Please obtain an account on these websites prior to workshop
- MorphoSource: https://morphosource.org (you will download datasets directly from MorphoSource to the SlicerMorphCloud)
- Slicer Forum, https://discourse.slicer.org (alternatively you can use your github or google accounts to signup)
- Please sign up for the SlicerMorph announcement to keep up-to-date with SlicerMorph project and extension updates http://mailman11.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/slicermorph-announcements
- Auto3Dgm uses a proprietary optimization library called mosek. Please follow their instructions (Step #5 and later) on acquring a free academic or a trial license (if you haven't got an academic affiliation)
- We are also on Twitter, if you would like to follow us
Important Websites:
- Official SlicerMorph Github repository
- Official SlicerMorph Module Documentations
- SlicerMorph project website: https://www.SlicerMorph.org
- Link to submit interesting images. Please know that we might post these on twitter or on our website
Development of SlicerMorph and the intense workshops are generously funded by National Science Foundation Advances in Bioinformatics collobrative research grants to Murat Maga (ABI-1759883), Adam Summers (ABI-1759637) and Doug Boyer (ABI-1759839). SlicerMorphCloud is made available through a generous educational grant from Microsoft Azure.