Yutian Shi ([email protected])
Homework 6 for History of Data Science, Spring 2022 @ UC San Diego.
This is a map of SoHo, London with John Snow's data of cholera deaths at each address (in blue circles) and water pump locations (in red pins). The circle's size is proportionate to the number of deaths at that location.
You may click on each pin to view the water pump's name.
<iframe src='./soho_map.html' width=938 height=565 frameBorder=0></iframe>
## Question 2 This is a 3D graph that visualizes Sir Francis Galton's heights dataset.
<iframe src='./galton_fig.html' width=750 height=770 frameBorder=0></iframe>
## Question 3 This is a choropleth that visualizes the population in each department in France in 2013.
You may check the population of each department by moving the cursor.
<iframe src='./france_fig-3.html' width=800 height=600 frameBorder=0></iframe>