We collect weird and non-functioning ExplorerScript test cases here. All of these should be fixed and eventually be integrated as test cases in ExplorerScript and SkyTemple Files.
Each sub-directory is a case. The cases also contain info about their current status.
To generate a case, install Python 3 and the requirements in requirements.txt
(pip3 install -r requirements.txt
After this generate a new case like this:
./generate.py <output-dir> <edition> <path-to-problematic-ssb> <path-to-original-source-code>
This will decompile the SSB and all the graphs generated on each step of the decompilation process and output them into <output-dir>
It will also generate the README template for you.
is one of the recognized edition codes: https://github.com/SkyTemple/skytemple-files/blob/master/skytemple_files/_resources/ppmdu_config/pmd2data.xml#L37-L51
GraphViz (dot
) must be installed and in PATH