Mastermind is a popular code-breaking boardgame for two players which resembles Cows and Bulls.
Contributors :
Using Reinforcement learning to train an agent to play the mastermind game. We implemented two algorithms
- Environment : Mastermind game board
- Agent : Plays a move guessing the pattern
- Example state : State consits of all the guesses taken by the agent and feedbacks obtained from environment previously.
- Example reward : Tuple of (Number of colors guessed correctly in right position, Number of colors guessed but in wrong position)
We have tried using Q-learning and policy gradient algortihms to make the agent play the game efficiently.
Links to relevant sections:
- Environment for Q-learning
- Q-learning agent
- Training Q-learning agent
- Policy Gradient approach
- Final Presentation
Here is a link to a video we made to explain this project