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CocoaPods plugin for quickly adding's OAuth2 to iOS apps coded in Objective-C

This repo contains CocoaPods plugin code for implementing's OAuth2 authentication for your Objective-C iOS app so that your app can securely access's API and app chains.

  • oAuth flow is explained here
  • Example that uses this Pod is located here


  • Authentication flow
  • CocoaPod integration
  • Resources
  • Maintainers
  • Contribute

Authentication flow uses standard OAuth approach which enables applications to obtain limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service from 3rd party applications without exposing the user's password. OAuth acts as an intermediary on behalf of the end user, providing the service with an access token that authorizes specific account information to be shared.

![Authentication sequence diagram] (


Step 1: Authorization Code Link

First, the user is given an webpage opened by following authorization code link:

Here is an explanation of the link components:

  • - the API authorization endpoint
  • redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URL - where the service redirects the user-agent after an authorization code is granted
  • response_type=code - specifies that your application is requesting an authorization code grant
  • state=STATE - holds the random verification code that will be compared with the same code within the server answer in order to verify if response was being spoofed
  • client_id=CLIENT_ID - the application's client ID (how the API identifies the application)
  • scope=CODES specifies the level of access that the application is requesting

login dialog

Step 2: User Authorizes Application

User must first log in to the service, to authenticate their identity (unless they are already logged in). Then they will be prompted by the service to authorize or deny the application access to their account. Here is an example authorize application prompt

grant dialog

Step 3: Application Receives Authorization Code

When user clicks "Authorize Application", the service will open the redirect_URI url address, which was specified during the authorization request. In iOS application following redirect_uri was used:


As soon as your application detects that redirect_uri page was opened then it should analyse the server response with the state verification code. If the state verification code matches the one was sent in authorization request then it means that the server response is valid. Now we can get the authorization code form the server response.

Step 4: Application Requests Access Token

The application requests an access token from the API, by passing the authorization code (got from server response above) along with authentication details, including the client secret, to the API token endpoint. Here is an example POST request to token endpoint:

Following POST parameters have to be sent

  • grant_type='authorization_code'
  • code=AUTHORIZATION_CODE (where AUTHORIZATION_CODE is a code acquired in a "code" parameter in the result of redirect from
  • redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URL (where REDIRECT_URL is the same URL as the one used in step 1)

Step 5: Application Receives Access Token

If the authorization is valid, the API will send a JSON response containing the token object to the application. Token object contains accessToken, its expirationDate, tokenType, scope and refreshToken.

CocoaPod integration

You need to follow instruction below if you want to install and use OAuth logic and file selector logic in your existed or new project.

  • Create a new project in Xcode

  • Install pod

    • see CocoaPods guides

    • create Podfile in your project directory: $ pod init

    • specify "sequencing-oauth-api-objc" pod parameters in Podfile:

      pod 'sequencing-oauth-api-objc', '~> 2.0.5’

    • install the dependency in your project: $ pod install

    • always open the Xcode workspace instead of the project file: $ open *.xcworkspace

  • Add Application Transport Security setting

    • open project settings > Info tab
    • add App Transport Security Settings row parameter (as Dictionary)
    • add subrow to App Transport Security Settings parameter as Exception Domains dictionary parameter
    • add subrow to Exception Domains parameter with string value
    • add subrow to App Transport Security Settings parameter with Allow Arbitrary Loads boolean value
    • set Allow Arbitrary Loads boolean value as YES

    sample files

  • Register app parameters and delegate

    • add imports

       #import "SQOAuth.h"
       #import "SQToken.h"
       #import "SQAuthorizationProtocol.h"
    • subscribe your class for Authorization protocol

    • have access to SQOAuth via shared instance method

       [SQOAuth sharedInstance]
    • register your app parameters and delegate

       [[SQOAuth sharedInstance] registerApplicationParametersCliendID:@"your CLIENT_ID here"
                                                      clientSecret:@"your CLIENT_SECRET here"
                                                       redirectUri:@"REDIRECT_URI here"
                                                             scope:@"SCOPE here"
                                                          delegate:<your class delegate>
                                            viewControllerDelegate:<your VC delegate>];


       client_id - your app CLIENT_ID
       client_secret - your app CLIENT_SECRET
       redirect_uri - your app REDIRECT_URI
       scope - your app SCOPE
       delegate - class that conforms to "SQAuthorizationProtocol" protocol
       viewControllerDelegate - provide your class instance as UI delegate
  • Use authorization method

    • implement methods from SQAuthorizationProtocol

       - (void)userIsSuccessfullyAuthorized:(SQToken *)token
       - (void)userIsNotAuthorized
       - (void)userDidCancelAuthorization
    • you can authorize your user via authorizeUser method

       [[SQOAuth sharedInstance] authorizeUser];
    • in method userIsSuccessfullyAuthorized you'll receive SQToken object, that contains following 5 properties with clear titles for usage:

       NSString *accessToken
       NSDate   *expirationDate
       NSString *tokenType
       NSString *scope
       NSString *refreshToken
  • Access to up-to-date token

    • to receive up-to-date token use token: method from SQOAuth API (it returns the updated token):

       [[SQOAuth sharedInstance] token:^(SQToken *token, NSString *accessToken) {

      where SQToken is a instance of SQToken object, and accessToken as NSString

  • Register new account / Reset password methods

    • just call callRegisterResetAccountFlow method - it will open dialog popup
       [[SQOAuth sharedInstance] callRegisterResetAccountFlow];		
  • Connect To Sequencing method

    • add import #import "SQConnectTo.h"

    • call connectToSequencingWithCliendSecret: userEmail: filesArray: viewControllerDelegate: method

       SQConnectTo *connectTo = [[SQConnectTo alloc] init];
       [connectTo connectToSequencingWithCliendSecret:[SQOAuth sharedInstance]
                                        	 userEmail:@"your email address"
                                       	filesArray:<your files array>
                           	viewControllerDelegate:<your VC delegate>];


      clientSecretProvider - provide SQOAuth instance (as ```[SQOAuth sharedInstance]```)
      emailAddress - your account email address
      filesArray - NSArray of genetic files (see details below)
      viewControllerDelegate - provide your class instance as UI delegate

      files should be passed on as NSArray object with NSDictionary file objects inside. Following keys and values should be used:

       "name"		: file name as NSString
       "type"		: NSString
       "url"		: file url as NSString
       "hashType"	: NSString
       "hashValue"	: NSString
       "size"		: NSString
  • 23andMe files import

    • add import #import "SQ3rdPartyImportAPI.h"

    • call importFrom23AndMeWithToken: viewControllerDelegate: method

       SQ3rdPartyImportAPI *importAPI = [[SQ3rdPartyImportAPI alloc] init];
       [importAPI importFrom23AndMeWithToken:[SQOAuth sharedInstance] viewControllerDelegate:<your VC delegate>];


       tokenProvider - provide SQOAuth instance (as ```[SQOAuth sharedInstance]```)
       viewControllerDelegate - provide your class instance as UI delegate
  • files import

    • add import #import "SQ3rdPartyImportAPI.h"

    • call importFromAncestryWithToken: viewControllerDelegate: method

       SQ3rdPartyImportAPI *importAPI = [[SQ3rdPartyImportAPI alloc] init];
       [importAPI importFromAncestryWithToken:[SQOAuth sharedInstance] viewControllerDelegate:<your VC delegate>];


       tokenProvider - provide SQOAuth instance (as ```[SQOAuth sharedInstance]```)
       viewControllerDelegate - provide your class instance as UI delegate



This repo is actively maintained by Email the bioinformatics team at [email protected] if you require any more information or just to say hola.


We encourage you to passionately fork us. If interested in updating the master branch, please send us a pull request. If the changes contribute positively, we'll let it ride.

About's OAuth2 as an easy-to-use CocoaPod plugin for iOS apps in Objective-C







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