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Code for the KR4HC 2021 paper "Pre-trained Text Representations with Knowledge Bases for Mortality Prediction"

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Pre-trained Text Representations with Knowledge Bases for Mortality Prediction


Abstract: It is postulated that free text in clinical notes residing in the Electronic Health Record (EHR) contains information that benefits various clinical tasks. An important example is utilizing such free text to predict patient mortality in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Recent neural Natural Language Processing (NLP) approaches automatically learn effective representations of text that are called embeddings. The main idea is that when words appear in the same context then their vector representations (embeddings) will tend to be similar. However, seeking meaning only in text neighbourhoods misses out on other sources of meaning. Specifically, concepts appearing in biomedical knowledge bases can potentially enhance the text representations.

In this paper, we explore the added predictive value of introducing knowledge into a mortality prediction model in the ICU that relies on free text in the clinical notes. In particular, we use the retrofitting approach to adjust pre-trained word embeddings based on knowledge graphs in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). In particular, we use the synonymy relations in the UMLS. Our approach is applied on the MIMIC-III database to predict in-hospital mortality based on the first 48hours of Intensive Care admission. 5% of the words were linked to UMLS concepts. The retrofitted models achieved an AUC-ROC of 0.822 (±0.002 std) and an AUC-PR of 0.451 (±0.005 std). The baseline models achieved an AUC-ROC of 0.815 (±0.003 std), which was statistically significantly worse than the retrofitted model, and an AUC-PR of 0.443 (±0.003 std). This demonstrates the potential predictive improvement of infusing medical knowledge to adjust word embeddings.

Code based on:


Please cite the following publication:

G. Albi, M. Rios, R. Bellazzi and A. Abu-Hanna. Pre-trained Text Representations with Knowledge Bases for Mortality prediction. In Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care, KR4HC 2021.


Build Dataset

Example to build the dataset in
In the dataset created each patient is represented by a text file containing the clinical notes relating to its admission.

Learn baseline word vectors

  • Tokenize the MIMIC-III notes of the training set (creating a unique text file):
python mimic3benchmark/ > embeddings/training_notes.txt
  • Learn Glove embeddings ( using embeddings/training_notes.txt as input. The outputs are:
    • a text file with the learned word vectors e.g. embeddings/glove_embeddings.txt;
    • a vocabulary text file e.g. embeddings/vocabulary.txt with the unique tokens and their frequencies in the corpus.

Enriching word embeddings with UMLS

  • Sentences preprocess: Make sentences for each patients clinical notes (one for each line) conceptExtraction_entityLinking/;
  • ScispaCy concept extraction and entity linking: After installing ScispaCy ( choose one of the proposed models; then run ScispaCy pre-trained pipeline conceptExtraction_entityLinking/ For each patient (text file) the pipeline recognize medical concepts and normalize them to UMLS, and this output is written in conceptExtraction_entityLinking/sentences_files;
  • Parsing the ScispaCy output: run conceptExtraction_entityLinking/ to parse the concept extractiong and entity linking output; a dictionary will be created with: { key --> concept name and values CUIs (max 3) associated to the UMLS concept } and then writted as text file in conceptExtraction_entityLinking/map_concept_CUIs.txt;
  • Lexicon creation with PyMedTermino : run conceptExtraction_entityLinking/ to create a semantic lexicon conceptExtraction_entityLinking/lexicon_UMLS_synonyms.txt using the concept:CUIs dictionary created; for each concept we retrieve its synonyms leveraging PyMedTermino (;
  • Enhancing the word vectors using Retrofitting method : Retrofitting ( is the post-processing method used to enhance the baseline word vectors embeddings/glove_embeddings.txt with the UMLS synonyms semantic lexicon conceptExtraction_entityLinking/lexicon_UMLS_synonyms.txt; the retrofitted word vectors are written in embeddings/glove_retrofitted_embeddings.txt :
python conceptExtraction_entityLinking/ -i embeddings/glove_embeddings.txt -l conceptExtraction_entityLinking/lexicon_UMLS_synonyms.txt -n 10 -o embeddings/glove_retrofitted_embeddings.txt

In-hospital mortality prediction with Hierarchical CNN (HCNN)


Example to train the model:

python model/ --dim 128 --emb 100 --timestep 1.0 --dropout 0.2 --batch_size 16 --data mimic3_textdata/in-hospital-mortality --notes mimic3_textdata/train --output_dir results --epoch 30 --lr 2e-4 --word2vec embeddings/glove_embeddings.txt --max_w 25 --max_s 500 --dim_cat 10 --vocabulary 30000

Note: each training run produces a directory in results/..., containing:

  1. run.txt log text file;
  2. the best model (best set of hyperparameters) from model selection;
  3. metrics.pkl metrics achieved during the training.

Example to test the model:

python model/ --dim 128 --emb 100 --timestep 1.0 --dropout 0.2 --batch_size 16 --data mimic3_textdata/in-hospital-mortality --notes mimic3_textdata/test  --output_dir results_test --lr 2e-4 --word2vec embeddings/glove_embeddings.txt --max_w 25 --max_s 500 --best_model results/ --vocabulary 30000

Note: a test run needs a files resulting from training, since its hyperparameters are loaded and tested on the test set. Each testing run produces in results_test/...:

  1. test_metrics.pkl similar to metrics.pkl, these are the metrics achieved during the testing;
  2. test_predprobs.pkl predicted probabilities for each example in the test set;
  3. test_ytrue.pkl true probabilities for each example in the test set;

Prediction results, plot and visualization

Scores achieved in AUC-ROC, AUC-PR and Brier-score when using the HCNN for mortality prediction. We compared the MIMIC-III text representaions learned with GloVe and enriched with UMLS synonyms by using Retrofitting in the 48H ICU mortality prediction task:

Model AUC-ROC AUC-PR Brier-score
GloVe 0.815±0.003 0.443±0.003 0.088±0.005
Retrofitted GloVe 0.822±0.002 0.451±0.003 0.089±0.003

Example to obtain the mean scores over the model random runs:

glove_test1,glove_prob1,glove_true1 = read_test("results_test/glove/1/") #for GloVe predictions
retro_test1,retro_prob1,retro_true1 = read_test("results_test/retro_preprocessed_syn/1/") #for GloVe retrofitted predictions
mean_metrics(glove_test1,glove_test2,glove_test3,glove_test4,glove_test5) #to print the mean metrics over the random runs

ROC curve and calibration plot

Example to plot the ROC curve and calibration plot for the best model run out of the random ones

#to find the best runs 
best_base = find_best_run(glove_test1,glove_test2,glove_test3,glove_test4,glove_test5)
best_retro = find_best_run(retro_test1,retro_test2,retro_test3,retro_test4,retro_test5) 

#to plot ROC curve and calibration plot for the best run

TSNE visualization

Note that we selected 4 UMLS semantic groups and 7 words that belong to a specific semantic type (or subgroup):

Semantic group Semantic type
(or subgroup)
Anatomy bones humerus, rib, femur, scapula, tibia, phalanges, ulna
Disorders respiratory disease and syntomps dyspnea, cough, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, bronchopneumonia, pleuritis
Procedures diagnostic procedures imaging, biopsy, radiography, cystoscopy, screening, immunohistochemistry, palpations
Chemicals & Drugs antibiotics amoxicillin, clarithromycin, sulfamethoxazole, cephalexin, trimethoprim, ceftriaxone, penicillin

Example to apply T-SNE embeddings for embeddings dimensionality reduction and then visualization:

tsne_reduction_and_visualization(30000, 100) #need to specify the number of the learned word vectors and the embeddings dimension


Code for the KR4HC 2021 paper "Pre-trained Text Representations with Knowledge Bases for Mortality Prediction"






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