Downloads new YouTube episodes from configurable channels and adds them in a plex friendly format.
- Download latest episodes from configurable channels. Configurable how many days back to look for an episode.
- Speed up videos. Configurable both globally and separate for each channel.
- Run as a daemon.
- Plex friendly output.
- Include/exclude regex filters to only download episodes matching the title.
usage: youtube-series-downloader [-h] [-v] [-p] [-t THREADS] [-d] [--max-days-back MAX_DAYS_BACK] [--debug]
optional arguments:
-d, --daemon Run the script as a daemon instead of once.
-p, --pretend Only pretend to download, convert, and store files.
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
How many threads you want to use (overrides config file).
--max-days-back MAX_DAYS_BACK
How many days back we should check for videos (overrides config file).
-h, --help show this help message and exit.
-v, --verbose Prints out helpful messages.
-s, --silent Turn off all messages except errors.
--debug Turn on debug messages. This automatically turns on --verbose as well.
Run the commands below and follow the instructions.
pip install --user --upgrade youtube-series-downloader
- ffmpeg to be installed and available through the PATH environmental variable.
was written by Matteus Magnusson <[email protected]>