- Most popular and widely accepted language in the world.
- Java creators wanted to introduce the Functional features such as: - Lambdas - Streams - Optional and etc.,
- Technological advancements with the mobile/laptops/systems.
- New Java 8 features simplify the concurrency operations.
- Embraces creating Immutable objects.
- More concise and readable code.
- Using functions/methods as first class citizens.
Example: Function<String,String> addSomeString = (name) -> name.toUpperCase().concat("default");
- Write code using Declarative approach.
- Focuses on how to perform the operations.
- Embraces Object mutability.
- This style of programming lists the step by step of instructions on how to achieve an objective.
- We write the code on what needs to be done in each step.
- Imperative style is used with classic Object Oriented Programming.
- Focuses on what is the result you want.
- Embraces Object immutability.
- Analogous to SQL (Structured Query Languague).
- Use the functions that are already part of the library to achieve an objective.
- Functional Programming uses the concept of declarative programming.
Example 1
Sum of 100 numbers from 0 to 100
Example 2
Removing duplicates from a list of integers
- Lambda is equivalent to a function (method) without a name.
- Lambda’s are also referred as Anonymous functions.
- Method parameters
- Method Body
- Return Type
- Lambdas are not tied to any class like a regular method.
- Lambda can also be assigned to variable and passed around.
Lambda Expression:
( ) -> { }
Lambda Arrow Lambda Body Input
- Lambda is mainly used to implement Functional Interfaces(SAM).
public interface Comparator<T> {
int compare(T o1, T o2);
public interface Runnable {
public abstract void run();
Implement Runnable using Lambda
( ) -> Single Statement or Expression; // curly braces are not needed.
( )-> { }; // curly braces are needed for multiple //statements
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System. out .println( "Inside Runnable 1" ); } };
Java 8:
Runnable runnableLambda = () -> {System. out .println( "Inside Runnable 2" );};
- Exists since Java 1.
- A Functional Interface(SAM) is an interface that has exactly one abstract method.
- This annotation is introduced as part of the JDK 1.8.
- Optional annotation to signify an interface as Functional Interface.
- Consumer
- Predicate
- Function
- Supplier
- Consumer – BiConsumer
- Predicate - BiPredicate
- Function – BiFunction, UnaryOperator, BinaryOperator
- Supplier
- Consumer – IntConsumer, DoubleConsumer, LongConsumer
- Predicate – IntPredicate, BiPredicate, LongPredicate
- Function – IntFunction, DoubleFunction, LongFunction,IntToDoubleFunction, IntoLongFunction,DoubletoIntFunction, DoubletoLongFunction,LongtoIntFunction, LongtoDoubleFunction,ToIntFunction, ToDoubleFunction,ToLongFunction
- Supplier – IntSupplier, LongSupplier, DoubleSupplier, BooleanSupplier
- Introduced as part of Java 8 and its purpose is to simplify the implementation Functional Interfaces.
- Shortcut for writing the Lambda Expressions.
- Refer a method in a class.
- Lambda expressions referring to a method directly.
Using Lambda:
Function<String,String> toUpperCaseLambda = (s)->s.toUpperCase();
Using Method Reference:
Function<String,String> toUpperCaseMethodRefernce =
Predicate predicateUsingLambda = (s) -> s.getGradeLevel()>=3;
- Introduced as part of Java 1.8
Supplier studentSupplier = Student ::new ;
Student student = Student:: new ; // compilation issue
What is a Local variable?
- Any variable that is declared inside a method is called a local variable.
- Lambdas have some restrictions on using local variables:
- Not allowed to use the same the local variable name as lambda parameters or inside the lambda body.
- Not allowed re-assign a value to a local variable.
- No restrictions on instance variables.
Repeated Variable Name:
- Variable i is declared in the same scope and used as a parameter in Lambda.
- Yo u c a n n o t u s e t h e s a m e v a r i a b l e a s a l a m b d a p a r a m e t e r o r i n s i d e the lambda body.
Same Variable as Input:
int i =0; //Repeated varibale name not allowed
Consumer<Integer> c1 = ( i ) -> {
System. out .println(i+ value );
Same Variable as Lambda parameter:
int i =0;
Consumer<Integer> c1 = ( i ) -> { //Repeated variable name not
System. out .println(i+ value );
Same Variable in Lambda Body:
int i=0;
Consumer<Integer> c1 = (a) -> {
int i=0; //Repeated variable name not allowed
System. out .println(i+ value );
- Not allowed to modify the value inside the lamda
int value =4;
Consumer<Integer> c1 = (a) -> {
//value=6; //reassigning not allowed
// System.out.println(i+value);
- Lambda’s are allowed to use local variables but not allowed to modify it even though they are not declared final. This concept is called Effectively Final.
- Not allowed to modify the value inside the lamda int value =4; Consumer c1 = (a) -> { //value=6; //reassigning not allowed // System.out.println(i+value); };
- Prior to Java 8 , any variable that’s used inside the anonymous class should be declared final.
- Easy to perform concurrency operations.
- Promotes Functional Programming and demotes the
Imperative style programming.
- Introduced as part of Java8
- Main purpose is to perform some Operation on Collections.
- Parallel operations are easy to perform with Streams API without having to spawn a multiple threads.
- Streams API can be also used with arrays or any kind of I/O.
- Stream is a sequence of elements which can be created out of a collections such as List or Arrays or any kind of I/O resources and etc.,
List<String> names = Arrays. asList ( "adam" , "dan" , "jenny" );
names. stream() ; // creates a stream
- Stream operations can be performed either sequentially or parallel.
names. parallelStream(); // creates a parallel stream
Collections Streams
Can add or modify elements at any point of time. For Example: List -> list.add()
Cannot add or modify elements in the stream. It
is a fixed data set.
Elements in the collection can be accessed in any order. Use appropriate methods based on the collection. For Example: List -> list.get(4);
Elements in the Stream can be accessed only in
Collection is eagerly constructed. Streams are lazily constructed.
Collections Streams
Collections can be traversed “n” number of times.
Streams can be traversed only once.
Performs External Iteration to iterate through the elements.
Performs Internal Iteration to iterate through the
- map : Convert(transform) one type to another.
- Don’t get confused this with Map Collection.
- flatMap : Converts(Transforms) one type to another as like map() method
- Used in the context of Stream where each element in the stream represents multiple elements.
- Each Stream element represents multiple elements.
- Stream
- Steam
- distinct – Returns a stream with unique elements
- count – Returns a long with the total no of elements in the Stream.
- sorted - Sort the elements in the stream
- filter – filters the elements in the stream.
Input to the filter is a Predicate Functional Interface.
- reduce – This is a terminal operation. Used to reduce the contents of a stream to a single value.
- It takes two parameters as an input.
- First parameters – default or initial value
- Second Parameter – BinaryOperator
- max -> Maximum(largest) element in the stream.
- min -> Minimum(smallest) element in the stream.
- These two function helps to create a sub-stream.
- limit(n) – limits the “n” numbers of elements to be processed in the stream.
- skip(n) – skips the “n” number of elements from the stream.
- All these functions takes in a predicate as an input and returns a Boolean as an output.
- anyMatch() - Returns true if any one of the element matches the predicate, otherwise false.
- allMatch() - Returns true if all the element in the stream matches the predicate, otherwise false.
- noneMatch() – Just opposite to allMatch(). Returns true if none of the element in the stream matches the predicate, otherwise false.
- Used to find an element in the stream.
- Both the functions returns the result of type Optional.
- findFirst() – Returns first element in the stream.
- findAny() – Returns the first encountered element in the stream.
Examples of Short Circuiting: Example 1: if(boolean1 && boolean2){ //AND //body }
If the first expression evaluates to false then the second expression wont even execute. Example 2: if(boolean1 || boolean2){ //OR //body }
If the first expression evaluates to true then the second expression wont even execute.
All these functions does not have to iterate the whole stream to evaluate the result.
Streams API Short Circuit
- Does Streams have an internal state?
- Ye s
- Does all the Stream functions maintain an internal state?
- No
Converts a List to List
private static List namesUpperCase(List names){ List namesUpperCase = names.stream()
. map (Student::getName) . map (String::toUpperCase) (Stream State) (Stream Pipeline) . collect ( toList ());
return namesUpperCase; }
- Stateful functions
- distinct()
- sorted()
- skip()
- limit()
- Stateless functions
- map()
- filter(), etc.,
Convert List to List
public static List printUniqueStudentActivities() {
List studentActivities = StudentDataBase. getAllStudents () .stream() .map(Student::getActivities) .flatMap(List::stream) .distinct() // needs the state of the previously processed elements .sorted() // needs the state of the previously processed elements .collect( toList ()); return studentActivities;
Convert List to List
private static List namesUpperCase(List names){ List namesUpperCase = names.stream() //Stream
. map (Student::getName) //Stream - stateless . map (String::toUpperCase) // Stream -> UpperCase - stateless . collect ( toList ()); // returns List - stateless
return namesUpperCase; }
- Of()
- generate()
- iterate()
- Of() -> Creates a stream of certain values passed to this method.
Stream stringStream = Stream.of(“adam”,”dan”,”Julie”);
iterate(), generate() -> Used to create infinite Streams.
Stream.iterate(1, x->x*2)
Represents the primitive values in a Stream.
- IntStream
- LongStream
- DoubleStream
Int Stream:
IntStream. range (1,50) -> Returns an IntStream of 49 elements from 1 to 49. IntStream.rangeClosed (1,50) -> Returns an IntStream of 50 elements from 1 to 50.
Long Stream:
LongStream. range (1,50) -> Returns a LongStream of 49 elements from 1 to 49.
LongStream .rangeClosed (1,50) -> Returns a LongStream of 50 elements from 1 to 50.
- It does not support the range ()and rangeClosed().
- sum()
- max()
- min()
- average()
- Converting a primitive type to Wrapper Class type
- Converting an int (primitive) to Integer(wrapper).
- Converting a Wrapper Class type to primitive type.
- Converting an Integer(wrapper) to int(primitive).
Numeric Streams – mapToObj(), mapToLong(),
- mapToObj –> Convert a each element numeric stream to some Object.
- mapToLong –> Convert a numeric stream to a Long Stream.
- mapToDouble –> Convert a numeric stream to a Double Stream.
- Te r m i n a l O p e r a t i o n s c o l l e c t s t h e d a t a f o r y o u.
- Te r m i n a l O p e r a t i o n s s t a r t s t h e w h o l e s t r e a m p i p e l i n e.
- Te r m i n a l O p e r a t i o n s :
- forEach()
- min()
- max()
- reduce()
- collect() and etc.
- The collect() method takes in an input of type Collector.
- Produces the result as per the input passed to the collect() method.
- joining() Collector performs the String concatenation on the elements in the stream.
- joining() has three different overloaded versions.
- counting() Collector returns the total number of elements as a result.
- mapping() collector applies a transformation function first and then collects the data in a collection( could be any type of collection)
- Comparator as an input parameter and Optional as an output.
- maxBy()
- This collector is used in conjunction with comparator. Returns the max element based on the property passed to the comparator.
- minBy()
- This collector is used in conjunction with comparator. Returns the smallest element based on the property passed to the comparator.
- summingInt() – this collector returns the sum as a result.
- averagingInt() – this collector returns the average as a result.
- groupingBy() collector is equivalent to the groupBy() operation in SQL.
- Used to group the elements based on a property.
- The output of the groupingBy() is going to be a Map<K,V>
- There are three different versions of groupingBy().
- groupingBy(classifier)
- groupingBy(classifier,downstream)
- groupingBy(classifier,supplier,downstream)
- partitioningBy() collector is also a kind of groupingBy().
- paritioningBy() accepts a predicate as an input.
- Return type of the collector is going to be Map<K,V>
- The key of the return type is going to be a Boolean.
- There are two different versions of partitioningBy()
- partitioningBy(predicate)
- partitioningBy(predicate,downstream) // downstream -> could be of any collector
What is a Parallel Stream?
- Splits the source of data in to multiple parts.
- Process them parallelly.
- Combine the result.
Sequential Stream:
IntStream. rangeClosed (1,1000)
Parallel Stream: IntStream. rangeClosed (1,1000)
. parallel() .sum();
- Parallel Stream uses the Fork/Join framework that got introduced in Java 7.
How many Threads are created?
- Number of threads created == number of processors available in the machine.
- Introduced as part of Java 8 to represent a Non-Null value
- Avoids Null Pointer Exception and Unnecessary Null Checks.
- Inspired from the new languages such as scala , groovy etc.,
- Define the contract.
- Only allowed to declare the method. Not allowed to implement a method in Interface.
- Implementation is only allowed in the Implementation class.
- Not easy for an interface to evolve.
- default keyword is used to identify a default method in an interface.
Example from List Interface: default Object[] a = void sort(Comparator<? this .toArray(); super E> c) {
Arrays. ListIterator i = sort (a, (Comparator) c); this .listIterator(); (^) (^) i.next(); for (Object e : a) { i.set((E) e); } }
- Prior to Java 8 we normally use Collections.sort() to perform the similar operation.
- Can be overridden in the Implementation class.
- Used to evolve the Interfaces in Java.
- Similar to default methods.
- This cannot be overridden by the implementation classes.
- Instance variables are not allowed in Interfaces.
- A class can extend only one class but a class can implement multiple interfaces.
- Ye s
- This was never possible before Java 8.
- LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime and part of the java.time package.
- These new classes are created with the inspiration from the Joda- Time library.
- All the new time libraries are Immutable.
- Supporting classes like Instant, Duration,Period and etc.
- Date, Calendar prior to Java 8.
LocalDate: Used to represent the date.
LocalTime: Used to represent the time.
LocalDateTime: Used to represent the date and time.
- Period is a date-based representation of time in Days , Months and Years and is part of the java.time package.
- Compatible with LocalDate.
- It represents a Period of Time not just a specific date and time.
Example: Period period1 = Period. ofDays (10); // represents a Period of 10 days Period period2 = Period. ofYears (20); // represents a Period of 20 years
- Mainly used calculate the difference between the two
LocalDate localDate = LocalDate. of (2018,01,01); LocalDate localDate1 = LocalDate. of (2018,01,31);
Period period = Period. between (localDate,localDate1) ; // calculates the difference between the two dates
- A time based representation of time in hours ,
minutes, seconds and nanoseconds.
- Compatible with LocalTime and LocalDateTime
- It represents a duration of time not just a specific
Duration duration1 = Duration. ofHours (3);; // represents the duration of 3 hours
Duration duration1 = Duration. ofMinutes(3); // represents the duration of 3 minutes
- It can be used to calculate the difference between the time objects such as LocalTime and LocalDateTime.
LocalTime localTime = LocalTime. of (7,20); LocalTime localTime1 = LocalTime. of (8,20);
Duration duration = Duration. between (localTime,localTime1);
- Represent the time in a machine readable format.
Instant ins = Instant.now();
- Represents the time in seconds from January 01,1970 (EPOCH) to current time as a huge number.
- ZonedDateTime, ZoneID, ZoneOffset
- ZonedDateTime - Represents the date/time with its time zone.
ZoneOffset -> -05:00
ZoneId -> America/Chicago
- Introduced in Java 8 and part of the java.time.format package.
- Used to parse and format the LocalDate , LocalTime and LocalDateTime.
- parse - Converting a String to a LocalDate/LocalTime/ LocalDateTime.
- format - Converting a LocalDate/LocalTime/LocalDateTime to a String.