20/20 enforced :)
Currently working! Program will now tell you when to take a break :D Hopefully going to polish it up, finish console functionality, and add saveable settings.
- Customizability over time between breaks
- customizability over length of break time
- Customizability over what plays
- On/off switch
- Console (W.I.P.)
Made without any external libraries. Latest version:
- Default runs every 20 minutes for 20s
- Still needs a bit more polishing
- Console doesn't work yet
- Less hardcoded
- Better variable and function names
- Fixed class, namespace, and file names
Runs on 3 threads, 1 timer, 1 gui, 1 main. Play and pause works by stopping and starting the thread. Whenever a setting is changed it calls methods in User Settings.cs
(garbage name) that update variables. Timer is completely reset by restarting the thread. Is this the most efficient way? Probably not. Do I care? No.
Java version!! Hopefully will become more intuitive and less hardcoded. Currently, there has been minimal development towards any improvement.
- Has a bell schedule (eventually going to make custom button schedule changer)
- Basic GUI
Made using JavaFX to run use the following command:
$ java --module-path "path/to/JavaFX" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.media -jar "path/to/jar"
Still a work in progress ;-; This version is heavily hardcoded (bell schedule is only synced to my school's time).