The aim of this project to help person in sending bulk emails with attachments and help to save some precious time in sending email to many people at a time.
Here I used smtp.lib to send emails to a list of contacts present in a .txt file with attachments.
In that .txt file there are 2 detail about any subject one is Name and second is mail id.
Takeing two input from the user :
Extension of the attachment (here I use png file attachment).
Sender's email address.
In program, I gave the contact file path and the attachment folder path.
👉Attachments should have the same name as the name of the recipient.
Using this you can send email to many people in one go.📤
Any thing that I did wrongly or it can be optimize, so feel free to raise Issues.
Your Suggestions will be welcomed!
SANIDHYA DAVE @sanitheway