This project was generated with Angular CLI version 11.0.2.
npm i ngconf-googlemap --save
NPM Package Link
import NgconfGooglemapModule in app.module.ts file.
import { NgconfGooglemapModule } from 'ngconf-googlemap';
imports: [
Declare options object in app.component.ts file for customization. app.component.ts
options: any = {
mapHeight: "500px",
mapWidth: "100%",
initialPointer: true,
mode: "CLICK",
lat: 28.5355,
long: 77.3910
app.component.html In your template use the component selecter and call as followed. That's it you have successfully integrated Google Maps in your project.
<ngconf-googlemap (latlong)="onMarkerUpdate($event)"
API_KEY="YOUR_GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY" [options]="options" ></ngconf-googlemap>
This event is emitted when you use the component in CLICK mode where user is allowed to make pointers on the map. So when ever user makes a point on the map that coordinates can be accessed using latlong event.
// OUTPUT Format of the latlong event for reference
lat: 28.06,
long: 32.96
Here is the Object Interface that has to be followed for Options configuration.
MODE: CLICK or VIEW [ In CLICK mode user can click on the map and create map pointer. In VIEW mode user can only see the map but cannot perform any operation on it. ]
export interface options {
mode: string, // CLICK or VIEW
initialPointer: Boolean // true or false
lat: any, // Latitude
long: any, // Longitude
mapHeight: string, // Height in px or % or any CSS unit
mapWidth: string, // Width in px or % or any CSS unit
Default Options if options is not given to the component
options: any = {
mapHeight: "500px",
mapWidth: "100%",
initialPointer: false,
mode: "CLICK",
lat: 28.5355,
long: 77.3910
That's it you are good to go. Happy Coding :)