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Version Matrix

version artifactory xray distribution mission_control pipelines splunk
0.9.1 7.12.6 3.15.3 2.6.0 4.6.2 1.10.0 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae
0.9.0 7.11.5 3.15.1 2.6.0 4.6.2 1.10.0 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae
0.8.0 7.10.2 3.10.3 2.4.2 4.5.0 1.8.0 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae
0.7.0 7.9.1 3.9.1 2.4.2 4.5.0 1.8.0 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae
0.6.0 7.7.8 3.8.6 2.4.2 4.5.0 1.7.2 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae
0.5.0 7.7.3 3.8.0 2.4.2 4.5.0 1.7.2 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae
0.4.0 7.7.3 3.8.0 2.4.2 4.5.0 N/A 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae
0.3.0 7.7.3 3.8.0 2.4.2 N/A N/A 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae
0.2.0 7.7.3 3.8.0 N/A N/A N/A 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae
0.1.1 7.6.3 3.6.2 N/A N/A N/A 8.0.5 Build: a1a6394cc5ae

Table of Contents

Note! You must follow the order of the steps throughout Splunk Configuration

  1. Splunk Setup
  2. Environment Configuration
  3. Fluentd Installation
  4. Fluentd Configuration for Splunk
  5. Dashboards
  6. Splunk Demo
  7. References

Splunk Setup

Splunkbase App

Install the JFrog Log Analytics Platform app from Splunkbase here!

1. Download file from Splunkbase
2. Open Splunk web console as administrator
3. From homepage click on settings wheel in top right of Apps section
4. Click on "Install app from file"
5. Select download file from Splunkbase on your computer
6. Click upgrade 
7. Click upload

Restart Splunk post installation of App.

1. Open Splunk web console as adminstrator
2. Click on Settings then Server Controls
3. Click on Restart 

Login to Splunk after the restart completes.

Confirm the version is the latest version available in Splunkbase.

Configure Splunk

Our integration uses the Splunk HEC to send data to Splunk.

Users will need to configure the HEC to accept data (enabled) and also create a new token. Steps are below.

Create index jfrog_splunk

1. Open Splunk web console as administrator
2. Click on "Settings" in dropdown select "Indexes"
3. Click on "New Index"
4. Enter Index name as jfrog_splunk
5. Click "Save"

Configure new HEC token to receive Logs

1. Open Splunk web console as administrator
2. Click on "Settings" in dropdown select "Data inputs"
3. Click on "HTTP Event Collector"
4. Click on "New Token"
5. Enter a "Name" in the textbox
6. (Optional) Enter a "Description" in the textbox
7. Click on the green "Next" button
8. Select App Context of "JFrog Platform Log Analytics" in the dropdown
9. Add "jfrog_splunk" index to store the JFrog platform log data into.
10. Click on the green "Review" button
11. If good, Click on the green "Done" button
12. Save the generated token value

Environment Configuration

We rely heavily on environment variables so that the correct log files are streamed to your observability dashboards. Ensure that you set the JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL environment variable to the correct path for your product

The environment variable JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL must be defined to the correct location.

Helm based installs will already have this defined based upon the underlying docker images.

For non-k8s based installations below is a reference to the Docker image locations per product. Note these locations may be different based upon the installation location chosen.

export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/xray/
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/nginx/
Mission Control:
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/mc/
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/var/opt/jfrog/distribution/
export JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL=/opt/jfrog/pipelines/var/

Fluentd Installation

OS / Virtual Machine

Ensure you have access to the Internet from VM. Recommended install is through fluentd's native OS based package installs:

OS Package Manager Link
CentOS/RHEL Linux - RPM (YUM)
Debian/Ubuntu Linux - APT
MacOS/Darwin MacOS - DMG
Windows Windows - MSI
Gem Install** MacOS & Linux - Gem
** For Gem based install, Ruby Interpreter has to be setup first, following is the recommended process to install Ruby

1. Install Ruby Version Manager (RVM) as described in, ensure to follow all the onscreen instructions provided to complete the rvm installation
	* For installation across users a SUDO based install is recommended, the installation is as described in

2. Once rvm installation is complete, verify the RVM installation executing the command 'rvm -v'

3. Now install ruby v2.7.0 or above executing the command 'rvm install <ver_num>', ex: 'rvm install 2.7.5'

4. Verify the ruby installation, execute 'ruby -v', gem installation 'gem -v' and 'bundler -v' to ensure all the components are intact

5. Post completion of Ruby, Gems installation, the environment is ready to further install new gems, execute the following gem install commands one after other to setup the needed ecosystem

	'gem install fluentd'

After FluentD is successfully installed, the below plugins are required to be installed

	'gem install fluent-plugin-splunk-hec'
	'gem install fluent-plugin-jfrog-siem'
	'gem install fluent-plugin-jfrog-metrics'

Configure fluent.conf.* according to the instructions mentioned in Fluentd Configuration for Splunk section and then run the fluentd wrapper with one argument pointed to the fluent.conf.* file configured.

./fluentd $JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL/fluent.conf.<product_name>


In order to run fluentd as a docker image to send the log, siem and metrics data to splunk, the following commands needs to be executed on the host that runs the docker.

  1. Check the docker installation is functional, execute command 'docker version' and 'docker ps'.

  2. Once the version and process are listed successfully, build the intended docker image for the observability platform using the docker file,

    • Download Dockerfile from here to any directory which has write permissions.
  3. Download the Dockerenvfile_<observability_platform>.txt file needed to run Jfrog/FluentD Docker Images for the intended observability platform,

    • Download Dockerenvfile_splunk.txt from here to the directory where the docker file was downloaded.

For Splunk as the observability platform, execute these commands to setup the docker container running the fluentd installation

1. Execute 'docker build --build-arg SOURCE="JFRT" --build-arg TARGET="SPLUNK" -t <image_name> .'

Command example

'docker build --build-arg SOURCE="JFRT" --build-arg TARGET="SPLUNK" -t jfrog/fluentd-splunk-rt .'

The above command will build the docker image.

2. Fill the necessary information in the Dockerenvfile_splunk.txt file, if the value for any of the field requires to have a '/' use '\/' and if '\' is required use '\\'.

3. Execute 'docker run -it --name jfrog-fluentd-splunk-rt -v <path_to_logs>:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory --env-file Dockerenvfile_splunk.txt <image_name>' 

The <path_to_logs> should be an absolute path where the Jfrog Artifactory Logs folder resides, i.e for an Docker based Artifactory Installation,  ex: /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var/logs on the docker host.

Command example

'docker run -it --name jfrog-fluentd-splunk-rt -v /var/opt/jfrog/artifactory/var:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory --env-file Dockerenvfile_splunk.txt jfrog/fluentd-splunk-rt'

Kubernetes Deployment with Helm

Recommended installation for Kubernetes is to utilize the helm chart with the associated values.yaml in this repo.

Product Example Values File
Artifactory helm/artifactory-values.yaml
Artifactory HA helm/artifactory-ha-values.yaml
Xray helm/xray-values.yaml

Update the values.yaml associated to the product you want to deploy with your Splunk settings.

Then deploy the helm chart as described below:

Add JFrog Helm repository:

helm repo add jfrog
helm repo update

Replace placeholders with your masterKey and joinKey. To generate each of them, use the command openssl rand -hex 32

JFrog Platform ⎈:

!!!Important Note!!!: Platform Chart Deployment shown here is for reference purpose only, 
Kindly apply these charts only after reviewing the options and make necessary changes that suits your deployment

Pre-requisite for Observability integration with JFrog Platform charts

First, install the JFrog Platform chart by configuring intended replicaCount for Artifactory, Xray and enable or disable the solutions

Refer the sample yaml for reference, download here

installerInfo: '{ "productId": "Helm_splunk_artifactory/{{ .Chart.Version }}", "features": [ { "featureId": "ArtifactoryVersion/{{ default .Chart.AppVersion .Values.artifactory.image.version }}" }, { "featureId": "{{ if .Values.postgresql.enabled }}postgresql{{ else }}{{ .Values.database.type }}{{ end }}/0.0.0" }, { "featureId": "Platform/{{ default "kubernetes" .Values.installer.platform }}" },  { "featureId": "Channel/Helm_splunk_artifactory" } ] }'
      enabled: true
  enabled: true
  replicaCount: 1  
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: false
  enabled: true
  enabled: false

To install the JFrog Platform with the above said configurations run the following command, (note the namespaces and adjust as needed by your deployment requirement)

helm upgrade --install jfrog-platform --namespace jfrog-platform jfrog/jfrog-platform -f jfrog-platform-values-without-splunk.yaml

Once the platform is accessible, login to the platform and perform the setup as directed on the UI.

Second, when your JFrog Platform is ready and accessible, the following should be noted

  1. Access Token - click here to know how to generate a admin scoped access token
  2. API Key - click here to generate an API Key with profile update process
  3. User - admin Refer Fluentd Configuration for Splunk section for configuring the below parameters
  4. Splunk Host - Splunk Instance URL
  5. Splunk Token - Token for sending data to Splunk
  6. Splunk Port - Splunk HEC Collector configured port
  7. COM Protocol - HTTP Scheme, http or https
  8. Insecure SSL - false for test environments only or if http scheme

Once the values are noted, download the file to apply the JFrog Platform Upgrade for Splunk from here

Replace the respective values for the following in the global segment of chart values, review the chart values and apply them accordingly

    port: 8088
    token: splunk_hec_token
    metrics_token: splunk_metrics_hec_token
    index: jfrog_splunk
    com_protocol: https
    insecure_ssl: false
        jpd_url: http://localhost:8082
        jpd_url_nginx: http://jfrog-platform-artifactory-nginx
        username: jfrog_user
        apikey: jfrog_api_key
        token: jfrog_token
      branch: master

Once the values are replaced, apply the upgrade as mentioned

  1. Get the JFrog Platform Postgres Password and store it to a variable
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=kubectl get secret -n jfrog-platform  jfrog-platform-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode
  1. Using the password obtained, run the following upgrade command
helm upgrade jfrog-platform --namespace jfrog-platform jfrog/jfrog-platform --set databaseUpgradeReady=true --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD -f jfrog-platform-values.yaml
!!!Important Note!!!: Platform Chart Deployment shown here is for reference purpose only, 
Kindly apply these charts only after reviewing the options and make necessary changes that suits your deployment

Artifactory ⎈:

Replace the in at the end of the yaml file with IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

Replace the splunk_hec_token in splunk.token at the end of the yaml file with the HEC Token created in Configure new HEC token to receive Logs section and then run the following helm command:

helm upgrade --install artifactory  jfrog/artifactory \
       --set artifactory.joinKey=EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \
       -f helm/artifactory-values.yaml

Artifactory-HA ⎈:

For HA installation, please create a license secret on your cluster prior to installation.

kubectl create secret generic artifactory-license --from-file=<path_to_license_file>artifactory.cluster.license 

Note: Replace placeholders with your masterKey and joinKey. To generate each of them, use the command openssl rand -hex 32

Replace the in at the end of the yaml file with splunk IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

Replace the splunk_hec_token in splunk.token at the end of the yaml file with the HEC Token created in Configure new HEC token to receive Logs section and then run the following helm command:

helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha  jfrog/artifactory-ha \
       --set artifactory.joinKey=EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE \
       -f helm/artifactory-ha-values.yaml

Xray ⎈:

Update the following fields in /helm/xray-values.yaml:

Replace the in at the end of the yaml file with splunk IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

Replace the splunk_hec_token in splunk.token at the end of the yaml file with the HEC Token created in Configure new HEC token to receive Logs section

Replace jfrog_user in jfrog.siem.username with Artifactory username

Replace jfrog_api_key in jfrog.siem.apikey with Artifactory API Key and then run the following helm command:

Use the same joinKey as you used in Artifactory installation to allow Xray node to successfully connect to Artifactory.

helm upgrade --install xray jfrog/xray --set xray.jfrogUrl=http://my-artifactory-nginx-url \
       -f helm/xray-values.yaml

Fluentd Configuration for Splunk

Download and configure the relevant fluentd.conf files for Splunk

Configuration steps for Artifactory

Download the artifactory fluentd configuration file to a directory the user has permissions to write, such as the $JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL locations discussed above in the Environment Configuration section.


For log analytics data to be sent to splunk, Override the match directive(jfrog.**) of the downloaded fluent.conf.rt with the details given below

<match jfrog.**>
  @type splunk_hec
  protocol COM_PROTOCOL
  hec_host HEC_HOST
  hec_port HEC_PORT
  hec_token HEC_TOKEN
  index jfrog_splunk
  format json
  # buffered output parameter
  flush_interval 10s
  insecure_ssl INSECURE_SSL
  # ssl parameter
  use_ssl false
  ca_file /path/to/ca.pem

For open metrics data to be sent to splunk, override the match directive(jfrog.metrics.**) of the downloaded fluent.conf.rt with the details given below

<match jfrog.metrics.**>
  @type splunk_hec
  datatype metric
  protocol COM_PROTOCOL
  hec_host HEC_HOST
  hec_port HEC_PORT
  index jfrog_splunk_metrics
  format json
  # buffered output parameter
  flush_interval 10s
  insecure_ssl INSECURE_SSL
  # ssl parameter
  use_ssl false
  ca_file /path/to/ca.pem

required: COM_PROTOCOL will be either 'http' or 'https' based on Splunk Server URL

required: HEC_HOST is the IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

required: HEC_PORT is the Splunk HEC port which by default is 8088

required: HEC_TOKEN is the saved generated token from Configure new HEC token to receive Logs

required: INSECURE_SSLif set to 'false' Splunk Host Server SSL Certificate is required, fill the ca_file path, if ssl is enabled, ca file will be used and must be supplied, else set this to 'true' to bypass SSL certificate verification.

  @type jfrog_metrics
  @id metrics_http_jfrt
  tag jfrog.metrics.artifactory
  interval 5s
  metric_prefix 'jfrog.artifactory'
  jpd_url JPD_URL
  username USERNAME
  apikey API_KEY
  common_jpd false

required: JPD_URL is the Artifactory JPD URL of the format http://<ip_address>

required: USERNAME is the Artifactory username for authentication

required: API_KEY is the Artifactory API Key for authentication

required: JFROG_ADMIN_TOKEN is the Artifactory API Key for authentication


  • For Artifactory v7.4 and below only API Key must be used,

  • For Artifactory v7.4 to 7.29 either Token or API Key can be used,

  • For Artifactory v7.30 and above token only must be used.

  • common_jpd: This flag should be set as true only for non-kubernetes installations or installations where JPD base URL is same to access both Artifactory and Xray

    • ex: https://sample_base_url/artifactory or https://sample_base_url/xray

Configuration steps for Xray

Download the Xray fluentd configuration file to a directory the user has permissions to write, such as the $JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL locations discussed above in the Environment Configuration section.


Fill in the JPD_URL, USER, JFROG_API_KEY fields in the source directive of the downloaded fluent.conf.xray with the details given below

  @type jfrog_siem
  tag jfrog.xray.siem.vulnerabilities
  jpd_url JPD_URL
  username USER
  apikey JFROG_API_KEY
  pos_file_path "#{ENV['JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL']}/log/jfrog_siem.log.pos"
  from_date "2016-01-01"

required: JPD_URL is the Artifactory JPD URL of the format http://<ip_address> with is used to pull Xray Violations

required: USER is the Artifactory username for authentication

required: JFROG_API_KEY is the Artifactory API Key for authentication

optional: If not specified, value is set to current date. Setting from_date value will result in violations from the specified date

For open metrics data to be sent to splunk, Fill in the JPD_URL, USER, JFROG_API_KEY fields in the source directive of the downloaded fluent.conf.xray with the details given below for the source

  @type jfrog_metrics
  @id metrics_http_jfrt
  tag jfrog.metrics.xray
  interval 5s
  metric_prefix 'jfrog.xray'
  jpd_url JPD_URL
  username USERNAME
  apikey JFROG_API_KEY
  common_jpd false

required: JPD_URL is the Artifactory JPD URL of the format http://<ip_address> with is used to pull Xray Violations

required: USER is the Artifactory username for authentication

required: JFROG_API_KEY is the Artifactory API Key for authentication

required: JFROG_ADMIN_TOKEN is the Artifactory API Key for authentication


  • For Artifactory v7.4 and below only API Key must be used,

  • For Artifactory v7.4 to 7.29 either Token or API Key can be used,

  • For Artifactory v7.30 and above token only must be used.

  • common_jpd: This flag should be set as true only for non-kubernetes installations or installations where JPD base URL is same to access both Artifactory and Xray

    • ex: https://sample_base_url/artifactory or https://sample_base_url/xray
<match jfrog.**>
  @type splunk_hec
  protocol COM_PROTOCOL
  hec_host HEC_HOST
  hec_port HEC_PORT
  hec_token HEC_TOKEN
  index jfrog_splunk
  format json
  # buffered output parameter
  flush_interval 10s
  insecure_ssl INSECURE_SSL
  # ssl parameter
  use_ssl false
  ca_file /path/to/ca.pem

required: COM_PROTOCOL will be either 'http' or 'https' based on Splunk Server URL

required: HEC_HOST is the IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

required: HEC_PORT is the Splunk HEC port which by default is 8088

required: HEC_TOKEN is the saved generated token from Configure new HEC token to receive Logs

required: INSECURE_SSLif set to 'false' Splunk Host Server SSL Certificate is required, fill the ca_file path, if ssl is enabled, ca file will be used and must be supplied, else set this to 'true' to bypass SSL certificate verification.

For open metrics data to be sent to splunk, override the match directive(jfrog.metrics.**) of the downloaded fluent.conf.xray with the details given below

<match jfrog.metrics.**>
  @type splunk_hec
  datatype metric
  protocol COM_PROTOCOL
  hec_host HEC_HOST
  hec_port HEC_PORT
  index jfrog_splunk_metrics
  format json
  # buffered output parameter
  flush_interval 10s
  insecure_ssl INSECURE_SSL
  # ssl parameter
  use_ssl false
  ca_file /path/to/ca.pem

required: COM_PROTOCOL will be either 'http' or 'https' based on Splunk Server URL

required: HEC_HOST is the IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

required: HEC_PORT is the Splunk HEC port which by default is 8088

required: HEC_TOKEN is the saved generated token from Configure new HEC token to receive Logs

required: INSECURE_SSLif set to 'false' Splunk Host Server SSL Certificate is required, fill the ca_file path, if ssl is enabled, ca file will be used and must be supplied, else set this to 'true' to bypass SSL certificate verification.

### Configuration steps for Nginx

Download the Nginx fluentd configuration file to a directory the user has permissions to write, such as the $JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL locations discussed above in the [Environment Configuration](#environment-configuration) section.


Override the match directive(last section) of the downloaded fluent.conf.nginx with the details given below

<match jfrog.**>
  @type splunk_hec
  protocol COM_PROTOCOL
  hec_host HEC_HOST
  hec_port HEC_PORT
  hec_token HEC_TOKEN
  index jfrog_splunk
  format json
  # buffered output parameter
  flush_interval 10s
  insecure_ssl INSECURE_SSL
  # ssl parameter
  use_ssl false
  ca_file /path/to/ca.pem

required: COM_PROTOCOL will be either 'http' or 'https' based on Splunk Server URL

required: HEC_HOST is the IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

required: HEC_PORT is the Splunk HEC port which by default is 8088

required: HEC_TOKEN is the saved generated token from Configure new HEC token to receive Logs

required: INSECURE_SSLif set to 'false' Splunk Host Server SSL Certificate is required, fill the ca_file path, if ssl is enabled, ca file will be used and must be supplied, else set this to 'true' to bypass SSL certificate verification.

Configuration steps for Mission Control

Download the Mission Control fluentd configuration file to a directory the user has permissions to write, such as the $JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL locations discussed above in the Environment Configuration section.


Override the match directive(last section) of the downloaded fluent.conf.missioncontrol with the details given below

<match jfrog.**>
  @type splunk_hec
  protocol COM_PROTOCOL
  hec_host HEC_HOST
  hec_port HEC_PORT
  hec_token HEC_TOKEN
  index jfrog_splunk
  format json
  # buffered output parameter
  flush_interval 10s
  insecure_ssl INSECURE_SSL
  # ssl parameter
  use_ssl false
  ca_file /path/to/ca.pem

required: COM_PROTOCOL will be either 'http' or 'https' based on Splunk Server URL

required: HEC_HOST is the IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

required: HEC_PORT is the Splunk HEC port which by default is 8088

required: HEC_TOKEN is the saved generated token from Configure new HEC token to receive Logs

required: INSECURE_SSLif set to 'false' Splunk Host Server SSL Certificate is required, fill the ca_file path, if ssl is enabled, ca file will be used and must be supplied, else set this to 'true' to bypass SSL certificate verification.

Configuration steps for Distribution

Download the distribution fluentd configuration file to a directory the user has permissions to write, such as the $JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL locations discussed above in the Environment Configuration section.


Override the match directive(last section) of the downloaded fluent.conf.distribution with the details given below

<match jfrog.**>
  @type splunk_hec
  protocol COM_PROTOCOL
  hec_host HEC_HOST
  hec_port HEC_PORT
  hec_token HEC_TOKEN
  index jfrog_splunk
  format json
  # buffered output parameter
  flush_interval 10s
  insecure_ssl INSECURE_SSL
  # ssl parameter
  use_ssl false
  ca_file /path/to/ca.pem

required: COM_PROTOCOL will be either 'http' or 'https' based on Splunk Server URL

required: HEC_HOST is the IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

required: HEC_PORT is the Splunk HEC port which by default is 8088

required: HEC_TOKEN is the saved generated token from Configure new HEC token to receive Logs

required: INSECURE_SSLif set to 'false' Splunk Host Server SSL Certificate is required, fill the ca_file path, if ssl is enabled, ca file will be used and must be supplied, else set this to 'true' to bypass SSL certificate verification.

Configuration steps for Pipelines

Download the pipelines fluentd configuration file to a directory the user has permissions to write, such as the $JF_PRODUCT_DATA_INTERNAL locations discussed above in the Environment Configuration section.


Override the match directive(last section) of the downloaded fluent.conf.pipelines with the details given below

<match jfrog.**>
  @type splunk_hec
  protocol COM_PROTOCOL
  hec_host HEC_HOST
  hec_port HEC_PORT
  hec_token HEC_TOKEN
  index jfrog_splunk
  format json
  # buffered output parameter
  flush_interval 10s
  insecure_ssl INSECURE_SSL
  # ssl parameter
  use_ssl false
  ca_file /path/to/ca.pem

required: COM_PROTOCOL will be either 'http' or 'https' based on Splunk Server URL

required: HEC_HOST is the IP address or DNS of Splunk HEC

required: HEC_PORT is the Splunk HEC port which by default is 8088

required: HEC_TOKEN is the saved generated token from Configure new HEC token to receive Logs

required: INSECURE_SSLif set to 'false' Splunk Host Server SSL Certificate is required, fill the ca_file path, if ssl is enabled, ca file will be used and must be supplied, else set this to 'true' to bypass SSL certificate verification.


Artifactory dashboard

JFrog Artifactory Dashboard is divided into three sections Application, Audit, Requests and Docker

  • Application - This section tracks Log Volume(information about different log sources) and Artifactory Errors over time(bursts of application errors that may otherwise go undetected)
  • Audit - This section tracks audit logs help you determine who is accessing your Artifactory instance and from where. These can help you track potentially malicious requests or processes (such as CI jobs) using expired credentials.
  • Requests - This section tracks HTTP response codes, Top 10 IP addresses for uploads and downloads
  • Docker - To monitor Dockerhub pull requests users should have a Dockerhub account either paid or free. Free accounts allow up to 200 pull requests per 6 hour window. Various widgets have been added in the new Docker tab under Artifactory to help monitor your Dockerhub pull requests. An alert is also available to enable if desired that will allow you to send emails or add outbound webhooks through configuration to be notified when you exceed the configurable threshold.

Xray dashboard

JFrog Xray Dashboard is divided into two sections Logs and Violations

  • Logs - This dashboard provides a summary of access, service and traffic log volumes associated with Xray. Additionally, customers are also able to track various HTTP response codes, HTTP 500 errors, and log errors for greater operational insight
  • Violations - This dashboard provides an aggregated summary of all the license violations and security vulnerabilities found by Xray. Information is segment by watch policies and rules. Trending information is provided on the type and severity of violations over time, as well as, insights on most frequently occurring CVEs, top impacted artifacts and components.

CIM Compatibility

Log data from JFrog platform logs is translated to pre-defined Common Information Models (CIM) compatible with Splunk. This compatibility enables new advanced features where users can search and access JFrog log data that is compatible with data models. For example

| datamodel Web Web search
| datamodel Change_Analysis All_Changes search
| datamodel Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities search

Splunk Demo

To run this integration for Splunk users can create a Splunk instance with the correct ports open in Kubernetes by applying the yaml file:

kubectl apply -f k8s/splunk.yaml

This will create a new Splunk instance you can use for a demo to send your JFrog logs over to.

Once they have a Splunk up for demo purposes they will need to configure the HEC and then update fluent config files with the relevant parameters for HEC_HOST, HEC_PORT, & HEC_TOKEN.

They can now access Splunk to view the JFrog dashboard as new data comes in.


  • Fluentd - Fluentd Logging Aggregator/Agent
  • Splunk - Splunk Logging Platform
  • Splunk HEC - Splunk HEC used to upload data into Splunk


JFrog Splunk Log Analytics Integration







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