This repository contains STMicroelectronics MEMS IIO drivers for the following LTS Linux/Android kernels:
- 4.9 (EOL)
- 4.14
- 4.19
- 5.4
- 5.10
- 5.15
- 6.1
- 6.6 (WIP)
For EOL kernel the maintenance has been discontinued and is strongly discouraged from using it for new developments.
From your kernel source code directory add the git remote (i.e. stmems_iio_github) for this repository:
git remote add stmems_iio_github \
Fetch the just added remote:
git fetch stmems_iio_github
There are now two ways to integrate the drivers code into the kernel target branch:
- merge (suggested strategy)
- rebase
Merge the stmems_iio_github/master with your target kernel source branch (i.e branch linux-5.4.y):
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories \
linux-5.4.y \
Rebase the stmems_iio_github/master on top of your target kernel source branch (i.e branch linux-5.4.y):
git rebase --no-fork-point \
linux-5.4.y \
Note: older git versions (i.e.: 2.7.4) would require to use sligthly different options:
git merge --no-fork-point \
linux-5.4.y \
git rebase -Xno-renames \
--no-fork-point \
linux-5.4.y \
Now that drivers code has been added to the target kernel branch, few patches needs to be added in order to:
- add STM drivers into Kconfig & Makefile systems
- patch IIO framework with custom events with custom events, channels and devices
Apply the patches available in the just added repository (i.e branch linux-5.4.y):
git am stm_iio_patches/5.4.y/*-stm-*.patch
A folder named stm_iio_configs should now be available with the default configs for the supported drivers.
Sensors defconfig can be appended to the board defconfig (i.e. if your current configuration file is arch/arm/configs/stm32_defconfig):
cat stm_iio_configs/lsm6dsm_defconfig >> arch/arm/configs/stm32_defconfig
Alternatively, it can be done at build time without altering the board config file, as follow.
Driver config can be merged into current target pre-configured kernel using a script available in the kernel itself:
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnu-
scripts/kconfig/ -n .config stm_iio_configs/lsm6dsm_defconfig
This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2.0