Check my parts list here
The goal of this project is to show that you can use some components from RS41 radiosonde in your own trackers.
- STM32F100C8
- 24 MHz crystal
- 26 MHz TXCO
- TX at multiple timeslots: 8 0, 4 6 so you can hit propagation easier and get more spots
- Power GPS and SI5351+TXCO separately from STM32
About 3.3V 40mA max. We never power GPS and SI5351+TXCO at the same time to lower the maximum peak
- GPS TX at PA10, RX at PA9 (GPS TX could be also used as serial debug)
- I2C SCL at PB10, SDA at PB11 (needs 3.3k/4.7k ohm resistors on the I2C line)
- GPS VCC at PB4+PB5+PB6+PB7
- SI5351+TXCO VCC at PA1+PA2+PA3+PA4
- SWDIO at PA13, CLK at PA14
PCB is currently unavailable to public!
More information should available soon.
via docker
docker run --rm -it -v E:\RS41_WSPR:/usr/local/src/RS41ng rs41ng_compiler
(change the directory path)
via openocd
unlock first time by ./unlock.bat
flash ./flash.bat