jbook is a TypeScript course from Stephen Grider on Udemy in which we are building an interactive browser-based coding environment. It's like a Jupyter Notebook, but for Javascript, with many additional features added in.
We will solve incredible challenges around bundling and transpiling code directly in the browser. This is a task normally done by running Webpack and Babel at your terminal We will execute users' code safely in the browser just like how famous services like CodeSandBox and CodePen do. Finally, we'll deploy this project using a multi-package architecture to NPM, where your friends and employers can easily download and run your project.
Here's a partial list of the topics that will be covered in this course:
- Master the use of React, Redux, and Typescript together
- Build a complex and interesting app using a package-based architecture
- Understand the challenges of in-browser code transpiling and and processing
- Secure your app against potential security exploits
- Safely execute user-provided code directly in the browser
- Run a code editor directly in the browser - the same editor used by VSCode!
- Leverage Web Assembly to run a code bundler directly in the browser at lightning-fast speeds
- Use the internals of Redux to manually test out your business logic
- Discover dozens of tricks to build a sleek UI
- Deploy your app to the NPM registry, where others can easily use it