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CocoaPods Compatible

RYRCalendar tries to bring a simple approach to implement a calendar in any iOS app using Swift 2.2



To integrate RYRCalendar into your Xcode project using Cocoapods, specify it in your Podfile:

target 'TargetName' do
	pod 'RYRCalendar'


Work in progress!


Download the .zip in your computer and import all the files contained in RYRCalendar/RYRCalendar to your project.

Note that with *Cocoapods* or *Carthage* the minimum required version will be iOS 8. 
If you want to support iOS 7, just import the files manually to your project. 


Supports iOS 7 and up, written in Swift.


Using Storyboard:

Create a new view, set the class to RYRCalendar and make an IBOutlet to it.

@IBOutlet weak var calendar: RYRCalendar!

Using code:

let calendar = RYRCalendar(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100))
calendar.delegate = self
calendar.selectionType = .Multiple
calendar.totalMonthsFromNow = 6
  • selectionType: Will determine the behaviour of the calendar on selection.

     enum RYRCalendarSelectionType: Int {
    		case None, Single, Multiple
  • totalMonthsFromNow: In other words, how many months will the calendar show. If you update it, call calendar.update().

  • baseDate: It is defaulted to NSDate(). Modify it if you want the calendar start in a different date than this.

  • style: Defaulted to 'Ryanair app' style, it can be modified. Check Customization below for more info.


You will need to implement RYRCalendarDelegate protocol to be able to get info from it:

protocol RYRCalendarDelegate: class {
   func calendarDidSelectDate(calendar: RYRCalendar, selectedDate: NSDate)
   func calendarDidSelectMultipleDate(calendar: RYRCalendar, selectedStartDate startDate: NSDate, endDate: NSDate)
   func isDateAvailableToSelect(date: NSDate) -> Bool
   func calendarDidScrollToMonth(calendar: RYRCalendar, monthDate: NSDate)
  • calendarDidSelectDate(calendar: RYRCalendar, selectedDate: NSDate): It will be called every time the user selects a date. If the .selectionType property is set to .Multiple, this method will not be called when multiple dates are selected (only for the first one).

  • calendarDidSelectMultipleDate(calendar: RYRCalendar, startDate: NSDate, endDate: NSDate): It will be called when both dates are selected, so you don't have to handle the logic of checking if both dates are selected.

  • isDateAvailableToSelect(date: NSDate) -> Bool: If you don't implement it, it will return true by default. Override it if there are any dates you don't want them to be selectable (and apply the disabled style).

  • calendarDidScrollToMonth(calendar: RYRCalendar, monthDate: NSDate): It is called when some new section is displayed. You can use it when you need to refresh or get more data for further months.

##Customization Every view inside the calendar supports customized UI elements (fonts, colors, sizes, images...). You can override the default style by setting a new style in the property: = RYRCalendarHeaderStyle(workDayFont:
	UIFont(name: "Arial", size: 15)!, 
	workDayTextColor: UIColor.yellowColor(), 
	weekendDayFont: UIFont(name: "Arial", size: 18)!, 
	weekendDayTextColor: UIColor.orangeColor(), 
	backgroundColor: UIColor.whiteColor()

Here is the main style enum from the calendar, and explanation for each property:

struct RYRCalendarStyle {
   // CollectionView properties
   var monthHeaderHeight: Double
   var monthHeaderStyle: RYRMonthHeaderStyle
   var calendarHeaderStyle: RYRCalendarHeaderStyle
   // Cell styles
   var cellStyleEnabled: RYRDayCellStyle
   var cellStyleDisabled: RYRDayCellStyle
   var cellStyleToday: RYRDayCellStyle
   var cellStyleEmpty: RYREmptyCellStyle
   // Single selection cell style
   var cellStyleSelected: RYRDayCellStyle
   var cellStyleSelectedMultiple: RYRDayCellStyle
   // Multiple selection cell styles
   var cellStyleFirstSelected: RYRDayCellStyle
   var cellStyleLastSelected: RYRDayCellStyle
   var cellStyleMiddleSelected: RYRDayCellStyle
  • monthHeaderHeight: Height of the header for each month (section) of the calendar
  • monthHeaderStyle: Style for the header for each month (section) of the calendar
  • calendarHeaderStyle: Style for the header of the calendar (the view in the top with week days)
  • cellStyleEnabled: Style for the normal state of a cell
  • cellStyleDisabled: Style for the disabled cell (when delegate returns false for isDateAvailableToSelect)
  • cellStyleToday: Style for the cell that has the same date as today
  • cellStyleEmpty: Style for the empty spaces before the month start (just set it's background colour to the view background colour)
  • cellStyleSelected: If the selection is .Single, this will be the style for the selected cell
  • cellStyleSelectedMultiple: If the selection is .Multiple and user has selected two times the same date, this will be it's style.
  • cellStyleFirstSelected: Style for the first selection with .Multiple selection enabled.
  • cellStyleLastSelected: Style for the last selection with .Multiple selection enabled.
  • cellStyleMiddleSelected: Style for the middle cells between the first date selected and the second date selected (if any).

Check RYRCalendarStyle and it's properties for more information.