This repository contains the plotting code and the simulation results for our manuscript titled "Deglacial Pulse of Neutralized Carbon from the Pacific Seafloor: Constraints from the Radiocarbon Budget", submitted to GRL.
There are three folders: "data", "code", and "figures". The "data" folder contains observational data (in the subfolder "observations") and model data (in the subfolder "model") need for Figures 1, 2, and 3. All data is available as .txt files. Within the "code" folder, there are the three Python scripts, one for each figure. Once you have cloned this repository, the scripts must be called from the root of the "Deglacial-Neutralized-Carbon-14C" directory. You can do so by typing "python code/". For example, to run the script for Figure 1, I would type "python code/" when I am in the "Deglacial-Neutralized-Carbon-14C" directory, not the code directory. The figures will be saved as pdf files in the "figures" file. You will need to have python and some additional packages installed. The packages that are needed can be seen at the top of each script. The figures produced with these scripts are the same figures included in the manuscript, however we used minor "beautifying" with Adobe Illustrator before adding them to the manuscript.
Please email me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. rygreen[at]ucsc[dot]edu