A Food Delivery AI Startup's Fully Responsive website, built using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
📌 Live Site URL: Visit Now 🚀
- I started Udemy Course "Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS" by Jonas Schmedtmann. Check🚀 (Not Sponsered)
- I feel confident while writing CSS 👊.
- This project has given me the confidence to build any complex layouts 👊.
- Still, we all know that learning CSS is a never-ending process 🚫.
👉 Web design principles.
👉 How to optimize the website for production.
👉 How to design a website from scratch.
👉 Responsive Design.
- LinkedIn - Rushikesh Gandhmal
- Twitter - @rushikesh1s
- This ReadMe File Inspired From - Jigar Sable
- Course Instructor - Jonas Schmedtmann
- Icons Used For Tech Stack Section - https://img.shields.io