shiny app mapping floristic data from Germany
The shiny app creates a map using leaflet package. The intended workflow is:
- search for scientific taxon names by entering at least 3 letters of a genus name and optionally some letters of a species epithet name and hitting the button "Trefferliste"
- the default taxon "Adonis vernalis" is replaced by the names that match the search string
- select one of the matching names from the dropdown list
- hit the button "Atlas-Daten" and see the distribution data fom the German Atlas (2013) on the map
- hit the button "GBIF-Daten": if you have selected a common species you will have to wait a few minutes until the data from GBIF will appear on the map. This is due to the fact that the GBIF API always sends an XML-structure with all result fields which produces large datasets of some Megabytes, consuming time an network capacities.
- hit the button "Artenfinder-Daten" and see additional records from the Artenfnder API
- click the mouse pointer on one of the occurences on the map to get additional information
- activate overlay maps from geodatendienste of BfN like protected areas, national parks etc.