Last updated: 2020-11-13
We present CAPITAL, a method for comparing pseudotime trajectories with tree alignment whereby trajectories including branching can be compared without any knowledge of paths to be compared.
- CAPITAL (ver. 0.2.3) in Python
More user-friendly version (1.0.0) that can be used in an interactive development environment such as JupyterLab will be available soon.
- Python>=3.8 (Miniconda is recommended)
- graphtools
- h5py<=2.10
- leidenalg
- magic-impute
- pygraphviz
- scanpy>=1.6
- scprep
- tslearn
- jupyterlab
- Create a new environment for CAPITAL if you want to keep your own Python environment built with conda:
$ conda create -n capital python=3.8
Then, activate the environment:
$ conda activate capital
- Install Scanpy and others via conda:
$ conda install -c bioconda scanpy
$ conda install graphtools leidenalg pygraphviz scprep tslearn
Note: the above command may automatically install h5py>=3.0, which will cause the problem of having bytes labels in H5AD data. To circumvent this, try:
$ conda install h5py=2
- Install MAGIC via pip:
$ pip install --no-deps magic-impute
- Download the tarball, and type the followings in your terminal:
$ tar zxf capital-0.2.3.tar.gz
$ cd capital-0.2.3
CAPITAL consists of three python codes. The standard use of CAPITAL is illustrated with the following steps:
$ ./ [option]* <data1>
$ ./ [option]* <data2>
positional arguments:
data <STR> path to the raw [H5AD|CSV|TXT] file or 10x-MTX directory of scRNA-seq gene expression profile
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --transpose transpose the data [off]
--min-genes <INT> keep cells with at least <INT> genes expressed [200]
--min-cells <INT> keep genes that are expressed in at least <INT> cells [3]
--magic impute gene expression data with MAGIC [off]
-n <INT>, --top-n-genes <INT>
number of highly variable genes to keep [2000]
-p <INT>, --n-pcs <INT>
number of principal components for computing a k-nearest neighbor graph and a tree [50]
-k <INT>, --neighbors <INT>
compute an <INT>-nearest neighbor graph [10]
--no-save results are not saved [off: saved in ./processed_data]
-f <STR>, --filename <STR>
save data as <filename>.h5ad and umap_<filename>.pdf
--save-fig save a UMAP PDF figure in ./figures [off]
Step 2: run to predict pseudotime trajectories for two preprocessed data, and compute a trajectory alignment along with associated dynamic time warping of each aligned path
$ ./ [option]* <data1> <data2> <root1> <root2> <genes>
positional arguments:
data1 <STR> path to the preprocessed expression H5AD data for experiment 1 generated with
data2 <STR> path to the preprocessed expression H5AD data for experiment 2 generated with
root1 <STR> root cluster in data1
root2 <STR> root cluster in data2
genes <STR> path to the file that contains gene names to be analyzed (one gene per line)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-M {euclid,gauss,paga}, --method {euclid,gauss,paga}
method for calculating a tree [euclid]
-d {pca,diffmap}, --dimension {pca,diffmap}
dimension metric for calculating a tree [pca]
-c <FLOAT>, --gapcost <FLOAT>
gap cost for calculating a tree alignment [1.0]
-m <INT>, --n-genes1 <INT>
number of highly variable genes in data1 [2000]
-n <INT>, --n-genes2 <INT>
number of highly variable genes in data2 [2000]
-t, --tune tuning mode, which affects naming of the result directory and never saves H5AD data [off]
--no-prune disable pruning of space nodes on edges of each alignment path for dynamic time warping [off]
Step 3: run to draw figures on dynamic time warping and/or expression dynamics for a gene in aligned_data created in Step 2
$ ./ [option]* <alignment> <genes>
positional arguments:
alignment <STR> path to the directory for aligned data generated with (e.g. ./aligned_data/data1_data2/alignment000/)
genes <STR> path to the file that contains gene names to be analyzed (one gene per line)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dtw <STR> path to the directory for a figure on dynamic time warping. Unless specified, the figure will be saved in each gene file in
the alignment directory
--dyn <STR> path to the directory for a figure on gene expression dynamics. Unless specified, the figure will be saved in each gene file
in the alignment directory
--data1-name <STR> data1 name on the plot
--data2-name <STR> data2 name on the plot
Reiichi Sugihara, Yuki Kato, Tomoya Mori and Yukio Kawahara, Alignment of time-course single-cell RNA-seq data with CAPITAL, Preprint bioRxiv at, 2019.
If you have any questions, please contact Yuki Kato
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Japan