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Brent Guistwite edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 1 revision


High Risk: Create room - Set room up Have second user join P2P webcam RTC - Toggling camera on/off Toggling audio on/off Full screen toggle Code mirror React - Download npm library Work on setting it up Familiarize yourself with properties/methods Socket io Chat Socket io Whiteboard Google docseque thing

Low Risk:

1 week MVP Users should be able to: 1-1 video/audio chat. Create account. Delete account. Sign in. Generate session link. Successfully integrate CodeMirror. Saving a document to DB?

3 week MVP Users should be able to: Edit code in real time. Edit documents. Whiteboard. Edit user account info.

ICEBOX Multiple users in session(max: 8?). Friends list. Edit code type in real time. Recording/exporting session.

User auth/sign in. Identify user by email address. JWT’s Bcrypt

Landing Page: Auto text typing(like thinkful home page) with info about app. “Sales pitch page” Single page app? Sign in link.

Client: Visual wireframe Wireframe components. Stub out folders/files. Install dependencies. User auth. Set up netlify client(add redirects file) Send netlify info to back end.

Server: Install dependencies. Set up heroku app. Set up travis. Send heroku info to front end. Set up mLab. Configure server to communicate with mLab. Set up config. Set up .env file.

User Stories As a I want to so that

Protected- User- Delete Update Get Documents- CRUD { Body: String Title: }

Unprotected- Landing Page User- Create

Method Endpoint Request Response Document GET /api/v1/document/:id

{ “body”:”

Hello world

”, “Title”:”hello.html”, “id”:”123” }

POST /api/v1/document/

PUT /api/v1/document/

User POST /api/v1/users { “username:”:”alice”, ‘ }

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