Rosalie Wanders (17):
SporeModManager: also remove usage of malloc & free in Zip::ExtractFile()
3rdParty: correct BuildZlib.bat to only build zlibstatic
Makefile: only build zlibstatic
SporeModLoader: ensure Detours has been built in the pre-build command
SporeModLoader.sln: remove Detours
ci: simplify workflow
SporeModLoader: add dllmain.rc
SporeModLoader: use CALL to build 3rdParty dependencies
SporeModManager: use CALL to build 3rdParty dependencies
Makefile: add -flto to LDFLAGS
Makefile: use -Os instead of -O2
SporeModLoader: optimize for space
SporeModManager: optimize for space
SporeModLoader: correct comment for DirectInput8Create()
3rdParty: add Spore-ModAPI-legacy dlls
SporeModLoader: add support for legacy dlls
SporeModManager: add sstream include to String.cpp and UI.cpp