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First implement ondevice wakeword
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Romkabouter committed Jan 1, 2020
1 parent b495e00 commit 3a59c71
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Showing 7 changed files with 193 additions and 26 deletions.
Binary file added PlatformIO/lib/esp_sr/libc_speech_features.a
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added PlatformIO/lib/esp_sr/libdl_lib.a
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added PlatformIO/lib/esp_sr/libnn_model_alexa_wn3.a
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added PlatformIO/lib/esp_sr/libwakenet.a
Binary file not shown.
25 changes: 16 additions & 9 deletions PlatformIO/platformio.ini
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,15 +8,7 @@
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples

platform = [email protected]
upload_protocol = espota
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
board_build.partitions = ../OTABuilder/partitions_two_ota.csv
; MatrixVoice ESP32 LAN name or IP, should match HOSTNAME in build_flags
upload_port = ''

build_flags =
Expand All @@ -31,6 +23,21 @@ build_flags =
'-DMQTT_USER="username"' ; Change to your MQTT username
'-DMQTT_PASS="password"' ; Change to your MQTT password
'-DMQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE=2000' ; This is required, otherwise audiopackets will not be send

platform = [email protected]
upload_protocol = espota
board = esp32dev
framework = arduino
board_build.partitions = ../OTABuilder/partitions_two_ota.csv
; MatrixVoice ESP32 LAN name or IP, should match HOSTNAME in build_flags
upload_port = ''
build_flags = ${common.build_flags}

; MatrixVoice OTA password (auth), should match hashed password (OTA_PASS_HASH) in build_flags
upload_flags =
Expand Down
72 changes: 55 additions & 17 deletions PlatformIO/src/MatrixVoiceAudioServer.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,8 +85,14 @@ extern "C" {
#include "freertos/event_groups.h"
#include "freertos/timers.h"
#include "speex_resampler.h"
#include "esp_wn_iface.h"

extern const esp_wn_iface_t esp_sr_wakenet3_quantized;
extern const model_coeff_getter_t get_coeff_wakeNet3_model_float;
#define WAKENET_COEFF get_coeff_wakeNet3_model_float
#define WAKENET_MODEL esp_sr_wakenet3_quantized

/* ************************************************************************* *
* ************************************************************************ */
Expand All @@ -96,6 +102,9 @@ extern "C" {
#define DATA_CHUNK_ID 0x61746164
#define FMT_CHUNK_ID 0x20746d66

static const esp_wn_iface_t *wakenet = &WAKENET_MODEL;
static const model_coeff_getter_t *model_coeff_getter = &WAKENET_COEFF;

// These parameters enable you to select the default value for output
enum {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,8 +178,10 @@ bool hotword_detected = false;
bool isUpdateInProgess = false;
bool streamingBytes = false;
bool endStream = false;
bool localHotwordDetection = false;
bool DEBUG = false;
std::string finishedMsg = "";
std::string detectMsg = "";
int message_count;
int CHUNK = 256; // set to multiplications of 256, voice return a set of 256
int chunkValues[] = {32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,6 +224,7 @@ std::string playBytesStreamingTopic = std::string("hermes/audioServer/") + SITEI
std::string rhasspyWakeTopic = std::string("rhasspy/+/transition/+");
std::string toggleOffTopic = "hermes/hotword/toggleOff";
std::string toggleOnTopic = "hermes/hotword/toggleOn";
std::string hotwordDetectedTopic = "hermes/hotword/default/detected";
std::string everloopTopic = SITEID + std::string("/everloop");
std::string debugTopic = SITEID + std::string("/debug");
std::string audioTopic = SITEID + std::string("/audio");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -507,6 +519,9 @@ void onMqttMessage(char *topic, char *payload, AsyncMqttClientMessageProperties
if (root.containsKey("gain")) {
if (root.containsKey("hotword")) {
localHotwordDetection = (root["hotword"] == "local") ? true : false;
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -573,6 +588,7 @@ void onMqttMessage(char *topic, char *payload, AsyncMqttClientMessageProperties
* ************************************************************************ */
void Audiostream(void *p) {
model_iface_data_t *model_data = wakenet->create(model_coeff_getter, DET_MODE_90);
while (1) {
// Wait for the bit before updating. Do not clear in the wait exit; (first false)
xEventGroupWaitBits(audioGroup, STREAM, false, false, portMAX_DELAY);
Expand All @@ -589,24 +605,46 @@ void Audiostream(void *p) {
uint8_t voicemapped[CHUNK * WIDTH];
uint8_t payload[sizeof(header) + (CHUNK * WIDTH)];

// Message count is the Matrix NumberOfSamples divided by the
// framerate of Snips. This defaults to 512 / 256 = 2. If you
// lower the framerate, the AudioServer has to send more
// wavefile because the NumOfSamples is a fixed number
for (int i = 0; i < message_count; i++) {
for (uint32_t s = CHUNK * i; s < CHUNK * (i + 1); s++) {
voicebuffer[s - (CHUNK * i)] = mics.Beam(s);
if (!hotword_detected && localHotwordDetection) {

int16_t voicebuffer_wk[CHUNK * WIDTH];
for (uint32_t s = 0; s < CHUNK * WIDTH; s++) {
voicebuffer_wk[s] = mics.Beam(s);

int r = wakenet->detect(model_data, voicebuffer_wk);
if (r > 0) {
detectMsg = std::string("{\"siteId\":\"") + SITEID + std::string("\"}");
asyncClient.publish(hotwordDetectedTopic.c_str(), 0, false, detectMsg.c_str());
hotword_detected = true;
publishDebug("Hotword Detected");
//simulate message for leds
for (int i = 0; i < message_count; i++) {

if (hotword_detected || !localHotwordDetection) {
// Message count is the Matrix NumberOfSamples divided by the
// framerate of Snips. This defaults to 512 / 256 = 2. If you
// lower the framerate, the AudioServer has to send more
// wavefile because the NumOfSamples is a fixed number
for (int i = 0; i < message_count; i++) {
for (uint32_t s = CHUNK * i; s < CHUNK * (i + 1); s++) {
voicebuffer[s - (CHUNK * i)] = mics.Beam(s);
// voicebuffer will hold 256 samples of 2 bytes, but we need
// it as 1 byte We do a memcpy, because I need to add the
// wave header as well
memcpy(voicemapped, voicebuffer, CHUNK * WIDTH);

// Add the wave header
memcpy(payload, &header, sizeof(header));
memcpy(&payload[sizeof(header)], voicemapped,sizeof(voicemapped));
audioServer.publish(audioFrameTopic.c_str(),(uint8_t *)payload, sizeof(payload));
// voicebuffer will hold 256 samples of 2 bytes, but we need
// it as 1 byte We do a memcpy, because I need to add the
// wave header as well
memcpy(voicemapped, voicebuffer, CHUNK * WIDTH);

// Add the wave header
memcpy(payload, &header, sizeof(header));
memcpy(&payload[sizeof(header)], voicemapped,sizeof(voicemapped));
audioServer.publish(audioFrameTopic.c_str(),(uint8_t *)payload, sizeof(payload));
xSemaphoreGive(wbSemaphore); // Now free or "Give" the Serial Port for others.
Expand Down
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions PlatformIO/src/esp_wn_iface.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
#pragma once
#include "stdint.h"
#include "dl_lib_coefgetter_if.h"

//Opaque model data container
typedef struct model_iface_data_t model_iface_data_t;

//Set wake words recognition operating mode
//The probability of being wake words is increased with increasing mode,
//As a consequence also the false alarm rate goes up
typedef enum {
DET_MODE_90 = 0, //Normal, response accuracy rate about 90%
DET_MODE_95 //Aggressive, response accuracy rate about 95%
} det_mode_t;

typedef struct {
int wake_word_num; //The number of all wake words
char **wake_word_list; //The name list of wake words
} wake_word_info_t;

* @brief Easy function type to initialze a model instance with a detection mode and specified wake word coefficient
* @param det_mode The wake words detection mode to trigger wake words, DET_MODE_90 or DET_MODE_95
* @param model_coeff The specified wake word model coefficient
* @returns Handle to the model data
typedef model_iface_data_t* (*esp_wn_iface_op_create_t)(const model_coeff_getter_t *model_coeff, det_mode_t det_mode);

* @brief Callback function type to fetch the amount of samples that need to be passed to the detect function
* Every speech recognition model processes a certain number of samples at the same time. This function
* can be used to query that amount. Note that the returned amount is in 16-bit samples, not in bytes.
* @param model The model object to query
* @return The amount of samples to feed the detect function
typedef int (*esp_wn_iface_op_get_samp_chunksize_t)(model_iface_data_t *model);

* @brief Get the sample rate of the samples to feed to the detect function
* @param model The model object to query
* @return The sample rate, in hz
typedef int (*esp_wn_iface_op_get_samp_rate_t)(model_iface_data_t *model);

* @brief Get the number of wake words
* @param model The model object to query
* @returns the number of wake words
typedef int (*esp_wn_iface_op_get_word_num_t)(model_iface_data_t *model);

* @brief Get the name of wake word by index
* @Warning The index of wake word start with 1
* @param model The model object to query
* @param word_index The index of wake word
* @returns the detection threshold
typedef char* (*esp_wn_iface_op_get_word_name_t)(model_iface_data_t *model, int word_index);

* @brief Set the detection threshold to manually abjust the probability
* @param model The model object to query
* @param det_treshold The threshold to trigger wake words, the range of det_threshold is 0.5~0.9999
* @param word_index The index of wake word
* @return 0: setting failed, 1: setting success
typedef int (*esp_wn_iface_op_set_det_threshold_t)(model_iface_data_t *model, float det_threshold, int word_index);

* @brief Get the wake word detection threshold of different modes
* @param model The model object to query
* @param word_index The index of wake word
* @returns the detection threshold
typedef float (*esp_wn_iface_op_get_det_threshold_t)(model_iface_data_t *model, int word_index);

* @brief Feed samples of an audio stream to the keyword detection model and detect if there is a keyword found.
* @Warning The index of wake word start with 1, 0 means no wake words is detected.
* @param model The model object to query
* @param samples An array of 16-bit signed audio samples. The array size used can be queried by the
* get_samp_chunksize function.
* @return The index of wake words, return 0 if no wake word is detected, else the index of the wake words.
typedef int (*esp_wn_iface_op_detect_t)(model_iface_data_t *model, int16_t *samples);

* @brief Destroy a speech recognition model
* @param model Model object to destroy
typedef void (*esp_wn_iface_op_destroy_t)(model_iface_data_t *model);

* This structure contains the functions used to do operations on a wake word detection model.
typedef struct {
esp_wn_iface_op_create_t create;
esp_wn_iface_op_get_samp_chunksize_t get_samp_chunksize;
esp_wn_iface_op_get_samp_rate_t get_samp_rate;
esp_wn_iface_op_get_word_num_t get_word_num;
esp_wn_iface_op_get_word_name_t get_word_name;
esp_wn_iface_op_set_det_threshold_t set_det_threshold;
esp_wn_iface_op_get_det_threshold_t get_det_threshold;
esp_wn_iface_op_detect_t detect;
esp_wn_iface_op_destroy_t destroy;
} esp_wn_iface_t;

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