A complete project of a space invaders game developed in python with pygame
The main objective of developing this game was to know and practice the basic but hidden low levels of a game structure. This can lead to a better comprehension of objects' interaction and the grown of the computational complexity with the game dynamics layers.
This project was focused in develop a high indented code of a full game in python using pygame. It's made in a structural shape instead of object oriented - which are maybe the more recommended. The sounds, musics, icons and the font (Pokemon GB.ttf) are included for those who want to test the code.
The game is composed by:
- A first screen with instructions
- Color pulsing background
- Four pixel stars running down at the background
- Four spinning meteors that instantly cause game over
- A sorted color battleship
- Bullets from the battleship
- Three lifes at maximum of the battleship (shields)
- A heat marker for the shooting mechanism, that limits the fire rate
- Spawning enemies at the top of the screen those give 10 points when they are destroyed
- Enemies blast shoots
- A explosion sequence for every hit
- Four randomly generated power-ups (Bomb, Shield, Points, Speed)
- The Bomb power-up explodes all actual enemys at the screen
- The Shield power-up add a shield if there are less than three
- The Points power-up give 100 points
- The Speed power-up accelerate everything in the game, making it harder but much funnier
- An end game screen
An executable can be generated for the game, following the steps:
- Install pyInstaller module
- run
pyInstaller -F -c --hidden-import="pkg_resources.py2_warn" --onefile -i"the_icon.ico" the_file.py
- 'the_ico' must be replaced by the name of the .ico file and 'the_file' must be the name of the python file, which will be the .exe name too.
- The hidden import of pkg_resources.py2_warn was due to an error that I found creating the executable, but may be already fixed when you're running yourself.
- While developing your own applications, a good place to look for icons is .
- During execution in energy economy it can present performance drop, i'm sorry about that, but fell free to study pygame documentation to fix this problem.
- All sounds had frequency downgrade for 'old school' looking