Node that interacts with the Flexisoft Safety Module via Modbus protocl
- robotnik_msgs
- robotnik_modbus_io: The communication with modbus id done through this node
First, you need robotnik_modbus_io node running (check that the IP is correct)
roslaunch robotnik_modbus_io robotnik_modbus_io.launch
After that, run the node:
roslaunch safety_module safety_module_node.launch
Most params are to configure modbus addresses and I/O numbers.
address_registers: list of all the addresses to work with registers
- laser_mode_output(unsigned int): writes the desired laser mode
- current_speed(unsigned int): writes the current robot speed
outputs: list of the standard outputs to interact with module
- standby(unsigned int): sets the lasers and safety module into standby, disabling power in motors and scans
- watchdog_signals(array of two unsigned int): sets a quadratic signal that allows the Flexisoft module to know that the controller is alive. Otherwise it disables power. Setting an empty array [] means to disable the publication of the signal.
- emergency_stop_sw(unsigned int): causes E-Stop hardware equivalent
lasers_mode: available configuration for the lasers safety mode. By default "standard". Example:
standard: # custom name of the mode
input: 237 # input to read the mode
output: 0 # value of the register when writing in the modbus address for the lasers mode
custom_outputs: list of custom outputs mapped and tagged for specific applications
inputs: list of inputs read from the module
- emergency_stop
- auto_mode
- emergency_mode
- manual_mode
- safety_overrided
- safety_stop
- standby
- wheels_power_enabled
- laser_ok
- edm_fault
- emergency_stop_fault
- motion_enabled
- emergency_stop_sw
- watchdog_ok
- lasers
- front:
- detecting_obstacles: True if there's an obstacle in the stop area
- contamination_led:
- reset_pressed:
- free_warning:
- rear:
- detecting_obstacles:
- contamination_led:
- reset_pressed:
- free_warning:
- front:
watchdog_signals_frequency(double): frequency to write the quadratic signal to keep the module set_speed_feedback_to_safety_module(bool): sets the current speed to the safety module
- ~/safety_module/emergency_stop [std_msgs/Bool]
- ~/safety_module/named_io [robotnik_msgs/named_inputs_outputs] It publishes the current state of all the signals, the standard and custom ones.
name: "wheels_power_enabled"
value: True
name: "watchdog_ok"
value: False
name: "edm_fault"
value: False
name: "battery_ok"
value: True
name: "elevator_down"
value: False
name: "elevator_up"
value: False
name: "charge_photocell_fault"
value: True
name: "selector_fault"
value: False
name: "laser_ok"
value: True
name: "emergency_stop_fault"
value: False
name: "emergency_stop_sw"
value: False
name: "motion_enabled"
value: True
name: "ready_to_swap_batteries"
value: False
name: "release_battery"
value: False
name: "block_battery"
value: False
name: "emergency_stop_sw"
value: False
~/safety_module/safety_stop [std_msgs/Bool] It publishes true if the safety is triggered.
~/safety_module/speed_feedback [std_msgs/Int32] Current speed being sent to the module.
~/safety_module/state [robotnik_msgs/State] Current component state
state: 300
desired_freq: 5.0
real_freq: 4.99675226212
state_description: "READY_STATE"
- ~/safety_module/status [robotnik_msgs/SafetyModuleStatus] This one gives you the status of the module
safety_mode: "safe"
charging: False
emergency_stop: False
safety_stop: True
safety_overrided: False
lasers_on_standby: False
name: "standard"
name: "front"
detecting_obstacles: False
contaminated: False
free_warning: False
name: "rear"
detecting_obstacles: False
contaminated: False
free_warning: False
- ~/safety_module/watchdog_signals [robotnik_msgs/BoolArray] Current value of the signals sent to the module. For debugging
- /base/odom [nav_msgs/Odometry]
- Receives the odometry from the robot
- /base/robotnik_modbus_io/input_output [robotnik_msgs/inputs_outputs]
- Receives the current IO modbus state
~/safety_module/set_laser_mode [robotnik_msgs/SetLaserMode] Sets the current laser mode based on internal configuration. Modes available: standard, docking_station This modes will change the laser detection ranges
~/safety_module/set_named_output [robotnik_msgs/SetNamedDigitalOutput] Sets any of the named digital outputs set in configuration.
~/safety_module/set_to_standby [std_srvs/SetBool] Puts the module on standby, disabling power and the lasers.