#TableMarkup# This package makes is easy to create HTML files containing tables with images. I created it because I needed a way to log experiments in table form, often with pictures.
To create a htmltables
from htmltables import TableWriter
with TableWriter(log_name) as logfile:
# Create tables, images and text via logfile
# Use p to write text to insert HTML text
logfile.p('Heading 1', 'h1') # second argument is the HTML tag, defaults to `p`
logfile.p('Table 1 contains parameters and their values')
# To create a table
with self.logfile.Table(['Parameter', 'Value'], hcolors=['gray', 'black']) as tab:
# Table has been created as tab, with two headers,
# thereby indicating the number of columns (2)
# Now add columns with values. Convert to string
# when necessary
tab.row(['Model type', str(model_types)])
tab.row(['Dropouts', str(dropouts)])
tab.row(['Batch sizes', str(batch_sizes)])
tab.row(['Epochs', str(epochs)])
tab.row(['GPU\'s', gpus])
tab.row(['Seq length', seqlen])
tab.row(['Training samples', n_train])
tab.row(['Validation samples', n_val])
Images can be inserted in two ways: via links and embedded.
###links### Just add an HTML link to an image in the text, for example in the table row.
Write the image to file and read it. The following code assumes that you have created an image file, for example a plot with matplotlib
, and have saved this plot file file. The following code will insert this image in the HTML file as an embedded picture.
open(image_file_name, "rb") as image_file:
im = image_file.read()
logfile.write_img_inline(im, '', '')